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Tolstoy Discussion Board

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Tolstoy Discussion Board

Carefully reading the instructions and the rubric located on pages 2 and 3

  • Type your answer directly in the Tolstoy discussion board post.  If your browser allows, type your word into a word document and cut and paste into the post (Note: this may cause formatting issues).
  • Use correct spelling, grammar and sentence structure, with a minimum of typos.
  • Please proofread your work prior to and after submitting.  The discussion forum will allow you to edit and delete your own posts, as long as no one has replied to them beforehand.
  • Minimal word count for original post 250 words, and no more than 400
  • Include an image with the original post – instructions on how to insert images on the last page.
  • use APA format, double spacing

Introduction    In Chapter 1 part 2, we read excerpts from Tolstoy’s “What is Art”.  You also watched videos that related to the value, whether monetary, emotional, or in terms of artistic innovations that people place on art.  Tolstoy writes how reading a book, looking at a painting or sculpture, watching a play, dance or a musical performance, or experiencing other kinds of art can infect you with feelings, such as (but not limited to)

  • feelings of love for one’s own country,
  • self-devotion and submission to fate or to God expressed in a drama,
  • raptures of lovers described in a novel,
  • feelings of voluptuousness expressed in a picture, courage expressed in a triumphal march,
  • merriment evoked by a dance, humor evoked by a funny story,
  • the feeling of quietness transmitted by an evening landscape or by a lullaby, etc.
  • Have you ever read a book, seen a play or a dance performance, heard a band, looked an artwork (painting, photograph, sculpture, print by an adult or by a child) or a movie or a lowrider or an art car or otherwise and been moved or affected strongly in some way?
  • Describe an artistic experience (visual, performing, literary) that has affected you with strong emotions, and in what way or ways was it meaningful to you.
  • Describe an artistic experience (visual, performing, literary) that has affected you with strong emotions, and in what way or ways was it meaningful to you. (If you do not have a photograph, no worries!)
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