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Focused SOAP Note for Madeline

Focused SOAP Note for Madeline Madeline is an 18 y/o female presenting with moodiness, depression, and irritability occurring 1-2 weeks prior to her menstrual cycle. Her cycles typically last 1…

Study Guide for Benztropine 

Study Guide for Benztropine  This week, you will create a Medication Study Guide to share with your peers. This guide is intended to be a useful learning tool for you…

Education Assignment

Education Assignment Provide a 150 – word response to each discussion posting below: Thank you for reading my first discussion board posting for the week regarding our topic. Organized anarchy,…

Education Assignment

Education Assignment In RES-815 you selected five empirical articles to begin working on your proposed dissertation topic. In RES-820, you will refine that work to further develop your topic using…

Business and Finance Assignment

Business and Finance Assignment Managers are often responsible for the financial transactions and planning of a company. In Week 1, you selected a Fortune 500 company. This company will be…

Nursing Assignment

Nursing Assignment PowerPoint presentation 15 slides, not including a title and reference slide, with 200-word speaker notes for each slide and a table (details below). Attached are reports to use as additional resources. APA 7…
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