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            Our police department is focused on eliminating crime in the community. The main crimes in the community include sexual assault, robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft among others. A crime analysis unit is helpful in the police department as it would help gather information on the rates of crime and the types of crime so that the department can come up with the right responses for the crimes. The main purpose of the crime analysis unit is to aid in short-term and long-term solutions to the crimes within the communication and to achieve this there is a need to have software and hardware to aid in the process of data collection and analysis.

Technology needs of the crime analysis unit

            The unit will require both hardware and software to use in the detection of crimes and analysis of information. First, the unit needs Gunshot Detection Systems in the areas of the community where there have been more shootings. This type of system will help in detecting where the gun shoots come from (David & Suruliandi, 2017). The GDS will work with a microphone technology that helps in capturing the gunshot sounds and will help the police department respond immediately to shootings and could cost around $20,000 to install in a few selected areas.

            The unit also requires a set of hardware which includes laptops, desktops, monitors, that will help make the crime analysis unit offices complete. The purchase of computers and other hardware in the offices could cost around $10,000. The hardware will help in data analysis and the creation of reports. Once the unit has gathered data about crime in the community they can use the hardware to analyze what crimes have increased, what have been reduced and to also help evaluate what strategies have worked and areas that need to be improved.

            The crime analysis unit will also need a digital video recording system that integrates the data from all the cameras into one central controlling location. The recording system can cost the unit $10,000 but it is worth it. The digital recording system will help capture some of the crimes that take place along the roads and streets such as motor vehicle theft and assault. The use of a digital recording system will ensure that it is easy for the police to identify the faces of the people who are found committing crimes (Kim et al., 2018). The digital recording systems are especially very effective in monitoring road traffic and the crimes that take place on the road.

            Also, the crime analysis unit can invest in 3D imaging technology for crime scenes. Most units usually use sketches in evaluating the crime scene and drawing conclusions from the scenes. With 3D imaging technology, the unit will be able to gather more information related to a particular crime scene (Dong, 2018). The company will also need predictive analytics software. With such software, the unit will be able to predict future crime rates with the existing information and data. The software can help understand the trends and come up with strategies to ensure that crime rates go down.


            Technology is very important in the crime analysis process as it will make it easy for the members to make sense out of the data and numbers collected from the field using computer devices. The unit will need technology that makes it easier to capture information on crime such as 3D imaging software and video recording systems. The unit can also benefit from a detection system for shootings so that every shooting in the streets is detected early and the police can respond promptly to such cases.



            USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES. ICTACT journal on soft computing7(3).

Dong, C. A. I. (2018). Design and Research of Crime Analysis and Early Warning

            System. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science1(1).

Kim, S., Joshi, P., Kalsi, P. S., & Taheri, P. (2018, November). Crime analysis through machine

learning. In 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON) (pp. 415-420). IEEE.

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