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SWOT analysis of organization

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As part of the Internship course, the assessment 2 aims to assess the internship organization and recommend improvements. To achieve this, you will conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization and assess it from the MIS point of view. Then you have to search for best practices of organizations from the same industry and recommend how they can be applied to the internship organization.

Your assessment should be written in a narrative way and not in a form of questions and answers. Report should be between 1000 – 1500 words.

Required assessment sections:

  1. Introduction (5%): this introduction needs to explain briefly (3-4 sentences) what your assessment is all about. In other words, this introduction represents a brief summary of the first assessment.
  2. Organization SWOT Analysis (30%): In this part you need to conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization, by analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  3. Assessment and Recommendation for Improvement (55%):  In this part you have to assess the organization from the point of view of MIS.

Based on the SOWT analysis conducted in the above section, explain possible reasons for efficiencies and/or inefficiencies, effectiveness or lack of effectiveness for the organization. (10%) 

Based on your own research and literature review, identify and describe some of the best practices that organizations of the same industry are currently applying to perform their activities. Explain how these practices affect the respective organization’s performance. (30%)   

Recommend how these practices can be applied in the organization at which you had the internship. (15%)

  1. Bibliography and references (5%)

General Notes and formatting (5%): Don’t forget to include an automatically generated table of content to your assessment. If you are using citations, don’t forget to use the APA style when referencing.

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