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Strategic Cost Management Assignment

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Strategic Cost Management Assignment


“The tools and techniques that were covered in the Strategic Cost Management
and Strategic Business Analysis courses are very useful in providing decision oriented information to senior management in my organization and such
information will ultimately enhance its corporate value.”

Discuss the above statement in depth, by reviewing, comparing and contrasting recent approaches to
management accounting, and the applicability of such in the organisation you work for. Do you agree
with the statement? Please indicate if such techniques are already in use in your organisation, and if so,
describe them in details. If not, discuss their applicability, and your possible role in introducing some key
tools and techniques and bringing about organizational change. Strategic Cost Management Assignment

Length: 2,000 words, excluding bibliography, notes, figures and tables.
Assessment: A pass mark of 50% or above is required to satisfy the educational requirements for CMA
certification and membership.
Due Date: Maximum Three Months from date of completion of program attended
Note: Late assignments will only not be accepted, unless in exceptional circumstances. Those
late will need to undertake the CMA Examination when they are next scheduled to be

Points to Note:
1. The assignment must be the student’s own work.
2. The assignment must be about the company the student currently works for.
3. Students must state clearly in the assignment that they work in the company and what their current
position is.
4. If using a past company, a student must provide a CV showing the previous company they worked
5. If the student uses a fictitious company name, they must submit a separate document (to their
assignment report) as to what the actual name of the company is.
6. Any detailed or confidential information must be averaged or modified in order to remove
7. Students must limit the assignment to 2,000 words, excluding bibliography, notes, figures and
tables, etc. Strategic Cost Management Assignment

1. All references must be in the Harvard Style, e.g. the following sentence will be referenced as
A greater focus on market forces is also becoming evident, and this
orientation has been stressed by a number of researchers and investigative
bodies (Nelson et al, 1998; Moore & Diamond, 1995; Elliott, 1992).

The Bibliography will show as follows (in alphabetical sequence):
Elliott, R. K. (1992), “The third wave brakes on the shores of Accounting”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.12,
No.3, June, pp. 61-85.
Moore, M. R. and Diamond, M. A. (1995), The Strategic Planning Partnership among Business Schools and
Accounting Program Stockholders, Plenary session at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Federation of
Schools of Accounting, Las Vegas, NV.
Nelson, I. T., Bailey, J.A. and Nelson, A. T. (1998) “Changing Accounting Education with Purpose: Market
Based Strategic Planning for Departments of Accounting”. Issues in Accounting Education Vol.13, No.2,
May, pp 23-44.
3. You should make every attempt to source at least 5-10 relevant and more recent journal
articles, especially from (but not limited to) the following Journals:
a. Journal of Cost Management
b. Journal of Management Accounting Research
c. Management Accounting Research
d. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research
e. Financial Management (USA)
f. Harvard Business Review
g. Sloan Management Review
h. Long Range Planning
i. Accounting and Business Research
j. Journal of Marketing
k. European Marketing Journal
l. Journal of Advertising Research

With the advent of the Internet and Google, plagiarism in assignments has become a serious
Any one of the following is considered plagiarism:
a. turning in someone else’s work as your own
b. copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
c. failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
d. giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
e. changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
f. copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your
work, whether you give credit or not.
Therefore, even though a student enumerates ALL the sources used on the Reference page of
the paper, he/she would plagiarize as per points (3) and (6).
Those found to plagiarize will be banned from resubmitting their assignment for 2-
years, and will not be given any form of membership of the ICMA APA FORMAT

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