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Sound And Electricity Research Discussion

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Write an APA paper that addresses the following:
Conduct research either using the textbook and/or online website and provide a summary of the following concepts.  The format of your paper must follow APA format guidelines only to the extent you properly include in-text citations to document where you got your information.

• Discuss: the core concept of sound and how sound is propagated

• Discussed the characteristics of waves (velocity, refraction, reflection, constructive and destructive interference

• Discussed the concept of Resonance

• Discussed the concept of the nature of electricity and its characteristics

• Describe how electricity converts to power and work

• Explain the danger associated with electricity and some of the safety precautions one can take

• Differentiate between series and parallel circuits and why this is important.

Pick any three and write an APA formatted response paper.  Make sure you follow the APA rules specifically to document your in-text citation and your reference page. If you have a question, please let me know. The templates below are what I expect your paper to look like.  Make sure your paper is in word doc format only; NOT IN APA format.  I need to have it in word format in order to make comments on your paper

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