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Social and Medical Determinants

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                                                   Social and Medical Determinants

Assignment 1
Social and Medical Determinants
To improve the nation’s health and resolve disparities among its vulnerable populations, it
is important to know the social/medical determinants as well as the potential points of
intervention. Describe in detail the social and medical determinants’ contribution to these
disparities. Explain how social, medical, health care, and individual-level interventions can
resolve these problems.
Requirements of the paper:
1) APA format
2) Cover sheet
3) 3 pages (excluding the cover sheet and reference page) typed on the subject
4) Reference page with a minimum of three cited references published in the last 5
Assignment 2
Within your healthcare organization, interview (1 to 2 people per role would be fine) and
describe the major types of health services professionals: physicians, nurses, physician
assistants, and health services administrators. Discuss their roles, training, practice
requirements, and the most significant challenge they have met in their practice. If you do
not currently work for a healthcare organization, you may contact a health care worker
from the community. Analyze each role and create ten questions reflective of the course
and weekly objectives. Write a report with the questions and answers.
Requirements of the report:

1) APA format
2) Cover sheet
3) A report (3 pages) with the questions and answers
Assignment 3
Case Studies
Case Study #1: George has worked for a large healthcare organization with healthcare
insurance coverage for 10 years. His department was recently downsized and George lost
his position.
What are his options for healthcare coverage and why?
Case Study #2: Michelle recently had a surgical mastectomy procedure for breast cancer.
She discussed with her physician the possibility of reconstructive surgery. Later, she was
informed by her physician’s office that her insurance company denied coverage for the
procedure. Research and report on what Michelle’s options are under the “Women’s Health
and Cancer Rights Act” and what steps she would need to take to secure coverage.
Make charts to answer these questions and explain in a brief report.
Requirements of the report:
1) APA format
2) Cover sheet
3) 3 pages on the subject, including the charts
Assignment 4
Mobile Health Care Services
Discuss mobile health care services. Define and describe the three mobile facilities for
medical, diagnostic, and screening services. What are the most commonly encountered
mobile medical services? How and why are they becoming increasingly prevalent? What
advantages do they offer? What are the roles of advanced technologies in these services?
Do you have any experiences with these services?
Requirements of the paper:
1) APA format
2) Cover sheet
3) 3 pages (excluding the cover sheet and reference page) typed on the subject
4) Reference page with a minimum of three cited references published in the last five

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