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Skills Assessment 1 ICTICT517 Assessment

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Task 1. Determine objectives and Gaps

  1. Devon Technical College

Gap Analysis Template: Please replace the text within “<<” and “>>” characters with the pertinent information using the headings and scenario as a guide

GAP Analysis Template

Executive summary

<<Provide a basic overview of the report>>


<<Provide an overview of the organisation and its current ICT systems>>

Strategic objectives

The organisation has the following strategic objectives:

<<List the strategic objectives here>>

Current ICT network

<<Provide a basic overview of the current ICT network including the current hardware employed and how security of the network is managed>>

Gap analysis

The following table contains gap analysis for each of the strategic goals:

Strategic ObjectiveCurrent StateFuture StateGapTechnology

Task 2. Develop a recommendation report

2.1 Using the internet, research what ICT system components should be implemented to support the close the gaps identified in the gap analysis report completed in the previous activity. The research should look at the hardware, software, and security requirements.

research from the previous task and using a word processor, develop an ICT Recommendation Report using the following template.

ICT Recommendation Report Template


<<Provide a basic overview of the project including the background including a summary of the gap analysis >>

Strategic objectives

<<List the strategic objectives here>>

Security requirements

<<Detail any security requirements for the network. How will you stop anyone from accessing the system? >>

Hardware requirements

<< Detail recommended hardware components that should be included in the network including their specifications and costs. You should provide URL link(s) to these resources. >>

Software requirements

<< Detail recommended software components that should be included in the network including their costs. You should provide URL link(s) to these resources. >>

Advantages and disadvantages

<< Detail the advantages and disadvantages of the new system compared to the existing system >>

Difficulties of implementing proposed changes to ICT systems

<< List all the challenges you will face during the implementation of the ICT system>>

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