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Signature Strength in Career Discussion

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Signature Strength in Career Discussion

Welcome to Day 3 of **STRENGTHS WEEK BOOT CAMP**!!






Having explored your signature strengths, now it’s time to take these to the next level. Studies have repeatedly shown that it’s the use of your signature character strengths that really matters for boosting your well-being and where you gain the greatest benefit. This includes in all aspects of your life including your career.


1.      Reflecting on Past Uses of Signature Strengths through the day reflect on how you have been using your signature strengths right now – at work or in your study. Consider a situation in the last week in which you used one or more of your signature strengths in a way that made the situation better. Perhaps you used humour during a group work project  and it helped move the group forward, or perhaps you brought social intelligence to an online team meeting and that led you to make a positive contribution. Be sure to consider how your strengths use benefited you and/or others.  Signature Strength in Career Discussion


2.      Reflecting on Previous Career and Study Choices – Reflect on how your top signature strengths have played a role in your career or study choices to date? For example, did your strengths play a role in coming to UTS and on the particular study options you chose?


3.      Building New Uses of Signature Strengths:  Future career and study choices.  We learnt about the importance of understanding and leveraging our strengths for a more satisfying, rewarding career in the “How to Play to Your Strengths” reading in Week 2. We also learnt how using our strengths can lead to a sense of “flow” and engagement (Lecture Week 3). What thoughts have you had about your current and future career? Think about how you could use/ leverage/ build on your signature strengths in your career.  This could relate to the tasks you undertake, the type of workplace that suits you best or even the purpose of the organisation.




These websites may help with ideas:












When you have finished your table, cut and paste it (in Word) into Part B of Assessment 1.

  Signature Strengths

What strength are you focusing on?

Description – how did you or will you use the signature strength in the situation? Benefits

To you from using the signature strength

Reflecting on use  of Signature Strengths this week in work or study


Reflecting on past use  of Signature Strengths in making career and /or study choices


Using your Signature Strengths in your career now and in the future








Don’t forget – Write down three positive things that happened during the day and put in your:


Gratitude Journal!


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