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Scientific Knowledge and Practice Assignment

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Scientific Knowledge and Practice Assignment

Welcome to Week One!

For our first collaborative discussion, the course outcomes that guide your learning this week are:

o   CO 1: Synthesize scientific knowledge and practice expertise to support a change in practice-relevant evidence-based practice (Pos 3, 4, 5).

o   CO 2: Integrate theory with scientific knowledge and practice expertise for informed practice ( Pos 3, 5).

o   CO 5: Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level ( Pos 4, 5, and 8).

The Week 1 Guided Worksheet and this collaborative thread will focus on composing your DNP project: The Title, Introduction, Background, and Problem sections are covered in Week 1. Please follow the Guided Worksheet closely as you complete your initial discussion. Cut and paste the completed Week 1 Guided Worksheet as your initial threaded post. Provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed.

Use writing resources and APA guidelines to edit your worksheets carefully.



Welcome to Week Two!

For our second collaborative discussion, the course outcomes that guide your learning this week include:

  • CO 2: Integrate theory with scientific knowledge and practice expertise for informed practice (POs 3, 5).
  • CO 3: Apply effective strategies for managing practice issues inherent in healthcare delivery at micro, meso, and macro-system levels (PO 3).
  • CO 4: Uses project management processes to assess and plan the DNP Project (POs 4, 8).
  • CO 5: Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level (POs 4, 5, 8).

The discussion this week is the presentation of your Week 2 Guided Worksheet which includes PICOT question, purpose and evidence-based intervention. Review your student colleague’s post and respond to all faculty questions and suggestions.




The course outcomes guiding your learning this week include:

  • CO 2: Integrate theory with scientific knowledge and practice expertise for informed practice (POs 3, 5).
  • CO 3: Apply effective strategies for managing practice issues inherent in healthcare delivery at micro, meso, and macro-system levels (PO 3).
  • CO 4: Uses project management processes to assess and plan the DNP Project (POs 4, 8).
  • CO 5: Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level (POs 4, 5, 8).
  • CO 6: Demonstrate accountability for advocacy of the DNP role in clinical practice and in academic settings (POs 2, 6).

The Guided Worksheet and this discussion are focused on the transformational science model or theoretical framework with accompanying change model, the organizational setting and population.

Paste the answers to the Guided Worksheet into this thread. Provide respectful feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed.

Provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed. Scientific Knowledge and Practice Assignment


Welcome to week 4!

The course outcomes that will guide your learning this week include:

  • CO 1: Synthesize scientific knowledge and practice expertise to support a change in practice-relevant evidence-based practice (POs 3, 4, 5).
  • CO 4: Uses project management processes to assess and plan the DNP Project (POs 4, 8).
  • CO 5: Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level (POs 4, 5, 8).

The Guided Worksheet and this discussion are focused on the Considerations for Implementation and the Outcomes sections of the proposal. This is a vital week to have a discussion with your statistician regarding your measurement plans for your project outcomes. You will design your data collection procedure, describing the measures/instruments you will use to quantify your outcomes. Reliability and validity of these instruments are important and are explored. This is the time to continue to build your Appendices section of your proposal to include your tool, permissions for use of tools, and instructions on use.

Provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed.



Welcome to week 5!



Thank you for participating in this week’s discussion. This week we had thoughtful discussions about the planned data analysis management, project management, the project schedule, budget and ethical issues related to implementation for your project. This is a very important part of the proposal as it will illuminate the results of the outcomes of the evidence-based practice change you are leading in your project.

The course outcomes that guided your learning this week were the following:

  • CO 2: Integrate theory with scientific knowledge and practice expertise for informed practice (POs 3, 5).
  • CO 4: Uses project management processes to assess and plan the DNP Project (POs 4, 8).
  • CO 5: Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level (POs 4, 5, 8).
  • CO6: Demonstrate accountability for advocacy of the DNP role in clinical practice and academic settings. (POs 2 and 6)

After receiving comments and feedback regarding your Week 5 Guided Worksheet content in the discussion, edit and update, and submit to the assignment folder

Remember to keep your MyEvaluations practicum hour entries current, accurate, and complete each week. You may continue to post until the week




Welcome to Week 6!

The course outcomes that will guide your learning this week include:

  • CO 1: Synthesize scientific knowledge and practice expertise to support a change in practice-relevant evidence-based practice (POs 3, 4, 5).
  • CO 2: Integrate theory with scientific knowledge and practice expertise for informed practice (POs 3, 5).
  • CO 3: Apply effective strategies for managing practice issues inherent in healthcare delivery at micro, meso, and macro-system levels (PO 3).
  • CO 4: Uses project management processes to assess and plan the DNP Project (POs 4, 8).
  • CO 5: Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level (POs 4, 5, 8).
  • CO 6: Demonstrate accountability for advocacy of the DNP role in clinical practice and in academic settings (POs 2, 6).
  • CO 7: Translate evidence-based principles into building a culture of practice scholarship among DNP prepared nurses (PO 5).

The Guided Worksheet and this discussion are focused on the education plan for your evidence-based project and the other appendices that are important for demonstration to the reader in your final proposal assignment. Within your Week 6 Worksheet, you will prepare the appendices for the education outline, budget, project schedule, tools, permission letters, letter of organizational site approval, and any other appendices that will support your work of the week 6 Final DNP Project Proposal. After you receive feedback from faculty and student colleagues in the discussions, please copy and paste the Worksheet 6 into the DNP Project Template for the final assignment.

Provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed. Respond to all faculty questions and suggestions.



Welcome to Week 7!


We have an exciting week of discussion in the discussions this week!

The course outcomes guiding your learning this week include:

  • CO 5: Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level (POs 4, 5, 8).
  • CO 6: Demonstrate accountability for advocacy of the DNP role in clinical practice and in academic settings (POs 2, 6).
  • CO 7: Translate evidence-based principles into building a culture of practice scholarship among DNP prepared nurses (PO 5).

This discussion is focused on reflection of the process of developing your proposal, your experiences with your preceptor and mentor, and plan for dissemination of your DNP project. Questions to answer this week:

  • What aspects of developing the proposal were most enjoyable?
  • What aspects of developing the proposal were most challenging?
  • Did your preceptor provide you timely with feedback when you had questions?
  • Did your preceptor review and provide you with feedback associated with your DNP proposal paper?
  • Did your preceptor serve as a professional role model for you this session?
  • What are your specific plans for dissemination of your project?
  • Finally, if you had to offer advice to a new student starting the project and practicum courses, what would your recommendations include?

As usual, provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed.



Program Outcomes

The expected outcomes for Chamberlain’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program are as follows:


Apply biophysical, psychosocial, sociopolitical and cultural principles to integrative healthcare economics, nursing science and ethics in evidence-based advanced nursing practice to improve the nation\’s health using cultural humility and population-focused healthcare that is holistic and person-centered (DNP Essentials VII, VIII; DNP/C: I-IV).


Formulate a professional identity leadership role as an extraordinary DNP-prepared nurse in application, formation and reformation of health policy and advocacy in healthcare at micro, meso and macro levels (DNP Essentials V; DNP/C: III-IV).


Synthesize scientific methods and underpinnings to develop best practices with a spirit of inquiry to shape advanced nursing judgment and systems of care for person/family and populations to improve care focused outcomes (DNP Essentials I, III; DNP/C: III-IV).


Build advanced nursing practice on relationship-based care and care-focused delivery models that embrace political, ethical, professional, economic, socially just and culturally appropriate services across healthcare systems (DNP Essentials VIII; DNP/C: II-IV).


Integrate scientific-based theories and concepts that facilitate best practices with a spirit of inquiry for the nature and significance of health and healthcare delivery phenomena with strategies to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes, appreciating theory-based healthcare for evidence-based practice (DNP Essentials I, III; DNP/C: I, III-IV).


Distinguish organizational and transformational leadership that fosters and promotes patient safety, human flourishing, integration of healthcare technology and informatics to improve patient safety and care-focused outcomes for quality improvement and systems thinking that improves and transforms healthcare (DNP Essentials II, IV; DNP/C: I-III).


Assimilate concepts of healthcare technology and informatics to make data-driven decisions that inform advanced nursing practice and person-centered care systems that are nurse-sensitive and person/family-and population focused (DNP Essentials IV; DNP/C: I-III).


Exercise intra- and inter-professional collaboration as an extraordinary DNP-prepared nursing role model for collegiality and professionalism across healthcare systems to facilitate optimal care and care-focused outcomes that improve person/family and population health or practice outcomes (DNP Essentials VI; DNP/C: I-III).


Synthesize conceptual and analytical skills in evaluating links among practice, organization, population, fiscal and policy issues as a basis for transformational change across healthcare systems (DNP Essentials V; DNP/C: III-IV).

Course Outcomes

Chamberlain College of Nursing courses are built to align course content with specific Course Outcomes (COs). The COs define the learning objectives that the student will be required to demonstrate by course completion. The COs that are addressed each week can be found on the Overview page for that particular week. Whenever possible, links will be provided from a particular assignment or discussion back to the CO to which it applies.

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to do the following:


Synthesize scientific knowledge and practice expertise to support a change in practice-relevant evidence-based practice (POs 3, 4, 5). 1, 4, 6, 8


Integrate theory with scientific knowledge and practice expertise for informed practice (POs 3, 5). 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8


Apply effective strategies for managing practice issues inherent in healthcare delivery at micro, meso, and macro-system levels (PO 3). 2, 3, 6, 8


Uses project management processes to assess and plan the DNP Project (POs 4, 8). 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8


Design an evidence-based practice-change project to address a practice issue at the appropriate system’s level (POs 4, 5, 8). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Demonstrate accountability for advocacy of the DNP role in clinical practice and in academic settings (POs 2, 6). 3, 5, 6, 7, 8


Translate evidence-based principles into building a culture of practice scholarship among DNP prepared nurses (PO 5). 6, 7, 8


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