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Role Of Nurse Leaders In Budget Presentation

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  • How does “minimum staffing” impact your ability to meet your budgeted numbers?
  • This chapter deals with specific units of service for nursing workload requirements. What role should the nurse leader play and how should the leader interact with the finance department for a standard definition of measurement?
  • As a nurse leader, you have to set up a new patient service budget. What sources of information do you need to build the budget?
  • How should a nurse leader use a patient classification (acuity) system to justify nursing hours per day/staffing mix/nurse-to-patient ratios for budget purposes that would be understood by the finance department?

This PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes on content slides. Use at least five references from 2017. Credible references and citations. 

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