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Response To Covid 19 Pandemic

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Instructions: these are short questions with answers concerning the covid-19 pandemic and its response

Describe shortly how your company has responded to the Covid-19 crisis

As a restaurant situated in Sydney, the establishment has had to take drastic measures to cope with the Covid-19 crisis. Firstly, we have ensured that we have complied with government and WHO guidelines on Covid-19 prevention. Secondly, we have put in place measures to ensure continuity of engagement with stakeholders such as customers, employees and suppliers. Here are the measures we have taken: –

  • Established a temperature taking and sanitation point at the entrance to the restaurant.
  • Ensured all patrons entering the premises had their masks on (Can, Sandy, & Ian, 2009).
  • Re-arranged the seating arrangement in the restaurant area to comply with the 1.5meter social distancing rule (Can, Sandy, & Ian, 2009)
  • Ensured that we only serve alcoholic drinks to patrons who had ordered and were waiting for their food order.
  • Ensured that all our staff, suppliers and other stakeholders accessing the establishment are tested for Covid-19 and had relevant certification to that effect.
  • Ensured that all food and drinks handling protocols are changed to include contamination by corona virus as a hazard which has to be controlled (Can, Sandy, & Ian, 2009).
  • We have increased the restaurant’s capacity to handle home delivery of food orders and increased advertisement of online food ordering option for those who want to avoid venturing in public places due to the pandemic.
  • We have partnered with our suppliers to ensure that the supplies to the establishment have been handled in a safe and Covid-19 free manner. We have also required them to produce certification to show that they are complying with all Covid-19 guidelines (Can, Sandy, & Ian, 2009)
  • The staff have been trained on how to handle themselves while at work and off-duty in order to avoid getting infected with the virus, how to identify early signs of the disease and what to do if they suspect to have been infected (Can, Sandy, & Ian, 2009)

How would you manage the Covid-19 crisis if you were managing the business of current job placement?

As a manger, I have a knowledge and understanding of all the company’s stakeholders. I would take these measures to cover all stakeholder’s interests starting with the most important: –

  • To each to the most important stakeholder, the customer, I would increase the capacity for home delivery services for the increasing number of customers who wish to have their food delivered at home. I would also assure those who are still willing to patronize our establishment of the measures we have taken to ensure that the environment and food/drinks are safe from infection.
  • For employees who are the second most important stakeholders, I would ensure they are tested and trained on how to control Covid-19 as a hazard while handling food.
  • For suppliers, I would ensure they follow guidelines in taking preventive protocols so as to protect the supply chain (Can, Sandy, & Ian, 2009).
  • To support the local community which is an important stakeholder, I would set an initiative to deliver free food to nurses, doctors and other frontline workers in the locality to show solidarity.
  • Reduce expenses by only ordering for what is needed at a particular moment and recalling only essential employees. Instruct office-based employees like accountants and IT department to work from home (Can, Sandy, & Ian, 2009)

NB:- The above measures take care of all important stakeholders and their interests in a restaurant business. The word count is too small for a broad explanation of each stakeholders needs.

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