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Research Study Validity Essay

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Research Study Validity Essay


For further clarification of the grading criteria and final mark allocation, refer to the grading and feedback criteria on LMS under “Assessments”. Assessment instructions Understanding and appraising the validity of research is vital for your career as a student and professional. This assessment task requires to you to summarise key information, and to appraise the internal and external validity of the research study.

Your are to paraphrase key information from the research article as described in the marking rubric. Then appraise and describe the effect of issues related to internal and external validity of the study. Refer to the marking rubric to guide your discussion. You can address validity in general and also as it applies to the supplied clinical scenario (see below). Clinical scenario Please note that the scenario is purely for the purposes of creating a scenario for this assessment task. The scenario may not be directly related to you in your course or discipline. However, you are required to use the scenario as a basis for your discussions. You are a physiotherapist, working in a private regional clinic that offers online consultations.

A 52-year-old man, named Ray, attends an online consultation seeking treatment for pain in his knee. He has visited his GP, who has confirmed a diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee by assessing Ray’s clinical symptoms and X-rays. Ray is healthy, has no ongoing medical conditions and is not taking any medications. He also has a Body Mass Index that is in the healthy range. Ray lives in regional Victoria and cannot attend your clinic in person. To provide a treatment plan for Ray, you would like to explore the research literature to find evidence to support the use of an internet-based exercise program to provide pain relief.


Throughout this subject (and your Core First year subjects more generally), you must use the APA 7th referencing system.

The library reference tool may assist you, and can be located here: Given the nature of this assessment it is not anticipated that you will use no more than 3-4 additional references beyond your chosen article. However, you are being marked on your ability to summarise information from your chosen article. You do not need to repeatedly reference your chosen article as your marker will be aware that the information has come from this source. Take careful note of the information below related to academic integrity, however, as this also applies to plagiarism.


This assessment should be a piece of individual and original work. Naturally, you will discuss this task with other students and your Workshop Facilitator whilst you are in the process of developing an understanding of how you will undertake the activity, but each student is expected to submit an individual essay.

Refer to the University webpage on academic integrity:


The University uses text matching software, Turnitin, to analyse similarity between published material and student assignments. The software also matches to other student assignments. All students are required to submit their individual essay to Turnitin, by the due date, to enable analysis; this piece will not be graded until the Turnitin report is available to Facilitators. Advice on the procedure for Turnitin submission will be provided on the HLT1RAE LMS site. You will have an opportunity to submit drafts to Turnitin to check the similarity index for issues with paraphrasing and citation, and make amendments if required, before finalizing the due date. Workshop Facilitators will provide guidance on this process. Your work must be submitted to Turnitin via the LMS site for HLT1RAE and under your own access code (otherwise it will be attributed to the person who logged onto the LMS site).

You can submit several drafts prior to the due date and time. The report on your first submission will be available almost immediately, but reports on subsequent submissions can take 24 – 48 hours to process. You will be able to check for inappropriate ‘matches’ and then correct these and re-submit your work. The Turnitin report will also enable your Workshop Facilitator to assess the level of originality of your work and provide feedback as appropria

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