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Research on Parole officer

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Research on Parole officer

Various professional organizations will assist you throughout your career. Locate 3 professional organizations (do not include the APA site) which will assist you in your future career goals. Identify the organization name, include the hyperlink to the organization, discuss what it has to offer you within your intended career goal and how it will be beneficial to you after graduation in your intended future career. Explain what personal changes you need to make to adapt to your professional life that will happen once you graduate and enter the next phase of your life and identify any areas that intimidate you.

Discussion Human Trafficking

Research on Parole officer

Create a chart like the chart example below with connections to the 3 organizations you researched. Extend each row to give substantial information on each organization. Be specific when discussing each organization. Be sure to fully explain what it has to offer you as you move into your future career. Use specific organization examples that you located from the online site with career connections when you discuss how it will be beneficial to you in the future. Extend the discussion of the sites’ importance with giving any additional information you deem appropriate for each site. Include the topic of your research and the hypothesis statement from module 5. In a separate paragraph below the chart discuss personal changes you will need to make to adapt to your intended professional life and then identify and explain any areas about these changes that intimidate you

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