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Research On Crime and Violence

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Research On Crime and Violence

This critical analysis paper requires you to examine a social problem through one of the values frameworks that we discussed at the beginning of the paper. Please use the following guidelines when preparing your paper.

Research On Crime and Violence

Write on the social problem about Crime and Violence. 2. Outline the value framework (liberal or conservative) that you will be examining the social problem with. 3. Describe how someone from that value framework would view your selected social problem. 4. Find 3 scholarly research articles that examine the social problem you selected and assess how well the literature supports the conclusions you derived from you analysis of the problem through your chosen value framework. 5. Discuss your conclusion on the social problem after completing your analysis. This paper needs to be 3-5 pages in length and written in APA format. You can use non-scholarly sources (i.e. government or internet), but you must have three scholarly sources from any relevant field.

Discussion Human Trafficking

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