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Reflection using Rolfe reflective framework

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Learning goal– one side effect of mirtazapine medication administration.

Write 500 words about one side-effect  of Mirtazapine medication  administration that can be communicated with the client using the ‘best available evidence’ (standard 1.1) and provide accurate assessment (standard 4.2). Standard 2.3 ‘recognizes that people are the experts in the experience of their life’ and you may choose this standard to inform your approach to learning about the side-effects. 

Use the steps below as a guide for completing Part 1B: 

  1. Find an artefact (peer reviewed journal) that answers your learning need. 
  2. Restate your Learning Goal which is one side effect of mirtazapine medication and write a 500 word reflection considering: 

    – What is the link between this artefact and the learning needs you identified? 
    – How does this artefact help you in the safe administration of the medication you selected?
    – What purpose does the artefact serve, in the context of mental health nursing? 
    – How does this artefact align with the Registered nurse standards?
    – How does the artefact relate to other mental health or nursing policies, frameworks and standards?  
    – How will this affect my future practice?
    – How will I apply this knowledge?
    – Is the artefact useful in another context, for example when thinking about another medication, or as an approach?   
    – What else do I need to know? 
  3. REFERENCES- 6 references.
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