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Recruitment Process in Company

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TELUS is a dynamic, world-leading communications and information technology company with $16 billion in annual revenue and 15.2 million customer connections spanning wireless, data, IP, voice, television, entertainment, video and security, healthcare and agriculture.  They are building a better future for all Canadians by using our technology for good and giving back to our communities. When you choose TELUS, you’re connected to our world-leading mobile network, supported by best-in-class customer service and helping to connect Canadians in need.

Social purpose

They are  helping make the world a better place. By giving 5% of our pre-tax profits back to communities. Connecting Canadians in need. And protecting our planet with zero waste and carbon neutrality by 2030.


Legal Issues: discuss the organization’s employment equity program and other good workplace equity practices you found. List any other approaches in relation to BFOR, accommodation

Workplaces was not only diverse, but were also more inclusive. Everyone within the Telus company felt respected and empowered. Within the company’s various department, everyone felt supported, appreciated, and on an equal footing. Anyone who qualified had equal access to opportunities such as additional education, training, and promotions. Those credentials, and also company rules, were applied uniformly. Everyone was aware of their responsibilities and how they’ll be acknowledged.

Equity equalized the playing field by resolving disparities and ensuring that all employees had the resources they require to succeed. Employees had varying requirements. There was inequity when the corporation treated everyone the same without recognizing that some teams or populations required special support or resources. To ensure everyone’s success, firms were adaptive and were willing to work alongside their personnel. The road to true equality is paved with equity.

TELUS has granted the Underwriters an over-allotment option, exercisable in whole or in part for a period of 30 days following the closing of the Offering, to purchase up to an additional 7,695,000 Common Shares at the Offering Price.

Payment equity was a little trickier. Equal payment for equal work existed in the firm. However, a closer examination founded the white individuals hold the highest-paying jobs, while POC workers filled the lower-paying positions. That was not fair in the workplace. Systemic concerns and diverse factors that cause wage discrepancies among groups, like racial and gender discrimination, were examined in pay equality. What obstacles prevented some populations from being hired for higher-paying jobs? Is there a difference in the worth of particular occupations based on who typically holds them? The   Company was really willing to address the payment fairness and the company gathered more data on the various employees in their organization, the company also assessed their workforce participation, and collaborated with the experts.

Reasonable accommodations were really practiced in the Telus company and the accommodations were much necessary to create a level playing field for all the employees, all these were mandated by law. Accommodations were a must-have for the Telus Company since they really respected equality, even if they weren’t legally mandated. Accommodations were frequently required for those with impairments, mental health issues, or language problems. Equality simply meant providing accommodations to all who qualified. Equity referred to the unique requirements that each individual met in order to prosper. Those persons with a medical condition, for example, requested to work remotely a few days a week. The Telus Healthcare Company Allowed some employees to work from home mostly those who were monitoring the company’s websites thus most employees reached their full potentials at work. Not everyone was given the same accommodations, and some employees in the Stanbul healthcare Company even required more. Equitable outcomes are desired, but equity is dependent on distinct, individual requirements.

Work/life balance was one of the most difficult issues in the Telus Healthcare workplace. Some younger employees believed they worked longer hours than their elder coworkers which was very accurate in some circumstances in the company per the data collected from the interviewed workers in the work place. Due to the extreme time, they took off for maternal leave or to attend for sick children, many women were unfairly evaluated. Men were often unfairly criticized when they requested paternity leave or time with their children. This created a schism between childless and single employees in the company. This schism was brought to a head recently when the head of the company published an essay requesting all of the benefits of maternal leave minus having children. Some employees appeared to feel unequal to their peers as a result of the shift towards more family-friendly workplace.

 It was much critical for employers to bring the pendulum back to the middle. Although it was very unrealistic to expect every employee in the company to take maternity leave, the head of the Telus company was more mindful of the time he gave to parents compared with non-parents. It was also very critical in recognizing and rewarding hard work in the company. If a person works 80-hour workweeks in order to advance in his or her career, that extra effort was recognized and rewarded. Trying to keep everyone on the same page within the company alienated staff and reduced productivity in the Stanbul Healthcare Company.

 In the case of the BFOR, the employees in the company showed that the requirement was adopted for a legitimate work-related to the healthcare services, that the standard was adopted in an honest and good faith belief it was essential to the fulfillment of that rightful work-related to healthcare, and that the specification is reasonably practicable to the achievement of that rightful work-related to healthcare.

Recruitment Strategy: what is theirs and describe it

When the company was looking for a new employee and was concerned about diversification, a strategy was much critical. The first step was to figure out who will be in charge of selecting the candidates. During the hiring process, everyone on the hiring team was given an equal say. Everyone believed that their voice is heard and valued in the Telus Company. The search team was ideally varied, but if the organization was in transition and not yet diversified, this could not be possible. Regardless, it’s an important concern. At the very least, employees in the Telus Company were educated on the structural and subconscious biases that caused certain populations to be disenfranchised. Resumes with American-sounding names for example, were being given more attention than applicants with foreign or African American names. It was much critical in the company the for hiring groups to be aware of the trends, they analyzed their own prejudices, and actively combated prejudice during the hiring process. This kind of effort in hiring for diversity helped to set the groundwork for a fairer workplace within the Stanbul Healthcare Company.

Attracting the right candidates: How does this organization ensure they attract the right candidates?

According to Telus Healthcare Company, the average physician relocation package was at around $8,000 and $15,000. These funds were available to assist healthcare workers in covering relocating expenditures such as employing skilled movers, shipping personal possessions, and travel fees. A few of the packages also included temporary housing to assist the healthcare workers and their family members in relocating.

Few healthcare relocations packages, on the other hand, included support services that make transferring logistically easier.   This was not the case in healthcare as it was only common in the corporate sector. Agents, movers, and even expert troubleshooters were examples of logistical services. The importance of this logistical assistance was not undervalued int he company. It’s especially useful for healthcare workers who frequently worked long hours and had little time to seek for and coordinate a move.

Clearly, attracting the best healthcare talented employees was the most important than ever in the Stanbul company; however, this came with significant challenges. Professionals who were younger, more innovative, and inspired were looking for more than a high wage. Therefore, the owner of the Telus Company, took different approaches in presenting benefits. The company considered new approaches to relocation to help the company to remain competitive in the evolving healthcare market and maintained a competitive edge if the company did not offer evacuation subsidies or when the current relocation program of the company was lacking.

Becoming active on media platforms like Twitter helped the company to meet possible candidates in a variety of ways, including through common connections, discussion topics, and the ease with which job seekers can contact the company. Telus Healthcare Company used professional networking sites such as LinkedIn to find new employees. The social media activities of the company also helped in building the employer brand by demonstrating the company’s culture to potential employees. Since the company culture of the Telus company was good, it was really a terrific way of attracting top people. It also worked in the opposite direction. The company also screened candidates using social media by judging their eligibility based on the substance of their comments online.

The company kept a database of persons who had expressed interest in Telus Healthcare Company with the correct sourcing software. The Company Maintained a better relationship with interested candidates which then allowed the company to notify the candidates when vacancies existed, even if the company lacked any relevant employment available at the moment.

Recruitment Methods: what are they and what does this organization use?

During the recruitment periods, the company considered only those candidates who were well dressed and were much presentable. Those candidates who were putting on according to weather and who maintained their hair well were highly considered during the walk-in interviews. During the walk-in interviews for the employee recruitments, only those candidates who had the relevant documents related to healthcare were considered. Those candidates who arranged their documents in an organized manner in a file were highly recommended in the Telus Healthcare Company. The company employed the asking of common questions to the candidates about some information which were related to the company during the walk-in interviews.

Telus Health Care company incorporated various designs in their job Ads as a method of making new recruitments in the organization on the online websites. The company’s Glassdoor, Twitter, Instagram, and Twitter and LinkedIn pages formed excellent places of posting aesthetically appealing adverts and graphics in conjunction with job opening announcements. The company had the greatest minds on their design, marketing, and recruitment teams collaborate resulted into more engaging ads and increased candidate interest, this allowed the company to have hiring of employees, which was very cost effective.

Telus Healthcare Company had hiring and HR selection tools which were used online making new recruitments as those interviewing tools which were used free. For both the interviewer and candidates, free video interview platforms such as Skype help to speed the interview process. Telus company installed applicant tracking software which re ally helped when it comes to making new recruitments. Greenhouse and other applicant tracking software allowed the company to asses candidates more effectively which helped speeding up the candidate recruitment process. Telus company had learning tools which attracted new employees to the company. Candidates appreciated learning tools like online lessons, and the ability of the Telus company to make the new hires exposure to these online resources helped the new recruits get up to speed quickly at organization. The company conducted satisfactory surveys to candidates.  These applicant satisfaction surveys made it much better in the recruitment process of the company and employer brand was a critical way to go. Candidates then easily provided information using online survey platforms such as Survey Monkey and Google Forms. The company then really boosted the pace of their recruitment process even more that way.

The company also made use of various recruitment agencies in recruiting new employees in the company. The company co-operated with the Adecco Group which was the world’s largest staffing firm. Every day, the firm employed over 700,000 people in long-term and temporary contract positions. The goal of the Adecco firm was to change the working world one single job, with over 33,000 workers in 60 countries.

Applicant Screening, interviewing and testing: what methods does this organization use?

            Telus company screened resumes of the various applicants during the application process. The most traditional method of displaying talents and expertise to potential employers which was used by the company was through resumes. The company examined resumes and learnt about the various candidate’s school backgrounds, professional experience, and most relevant credentials. Workable, for example, made this process considerably easier by automatically processing resumes and arranging information into distinct candidate profiles.

            The Telus Healthcare Company screened the various candidates cover letters during the recruitments process. The majority of applicants in the health company included a cover letter with their applications. The company considered a cover letters to be an important part of the evaluation process, including a request for an application form in the application criteria is an excellent idea which was used by the Telus Healthcare Company. A video application was used in place of or in addition to cover letters by the healthcare company. The company gave out a two-minute video in which candidates can explain why they’re the best candidate for the job. The company was them able to inquire about their background of the various candidates and why they opted to apply for the position. The company also asked candidates to demonstrate a talent that was relevant to the position during the video application. The Telus Healthcare Company therefore had the most appropriate software where they can screen the video applications. of the various candidates.

            The Company used various interviewing methods during the recruitment of the new employees. The company used a phone interview as a way of assessing the candidates where the candidates were being asked some open-ended questions. Phone interviews were considered by the company equally as vital as face-to-face interviews, if not more so. Since the Telus Healthcare Company was still a developing firm, they preferred to conduct interviews over the phone rather than in person to save time, money, and energy. Personal interviews were also conducted by the company during the recruitment process.

One of the most common sorts of interviews which was employed by the company was the personal interview, in which the questions were asked one on one by the respondent. The company   also used a guiding online survey which aided in keeping track of the responses. The employers within the company can built the survey in such a manner that it captured the interviewee’s unique opinions or points of view.

The Telus Healthcare Company also employed the use of various tests during the recruitment of the candidates which included such tests as the job knowledge tests. Job knowledge tests were used to assess the candidate’s technical or theoretical knowledge in the field of healthcare. These tests were the best for occupations that need specific knowledge or a high level of skill. The company also administered integrity questions to the candidates during the recruitment process. Integrity tests were administered at the beginning of pre-employment testing. This helped in assisting the healthcare company to avoid the hiring of dishonest, untrustworthy, or undisciplined employees. Direct questions concerning integrity and ethics were asked in overt integrity examinations. Personality qualities associated with integrity, such as conscientiousness, were assessed by covert testing.

Application of concepts covered in the course material


The state was tasked with stewardship in the management of an organization’s health system. Honesty, accountability, trust, ethical behavior, and sound decision-making are all responses to the needs of the people. It embraced a wide range job of simply enforcing the law. With the introduction of Hisba in the Islamic republic that dealt with the control of pharmaceutical practice in the 9th century, it was first adopted in the health sector. It also included standards for providing services in an equitable manner and in the public interest. It broadens the definition of good governance by emphasizing outcomes rather than methods. Setting, implementing, and maintaining the regulations for the health system; ensuring a level field for all parties involved in the transaction (especially purchasers, providers, and patients); and determining strategic orientations for the healthcare system as a whole are three major parts of stewardship. Stewardship can be broken down into six sub functions to cope with these issues: The general system design, program evaluation, action planning, inter – sectoral advocacy, governance, and consumer guidance. Sectorial advocacy was a type of stewardship that focuses on promoting policy in other social structures that are likely to help people achieve their health goals.

Management and planning

The process of evaluating public health problems, recognizing unmet requirements and surveying the resources available to satisfy them, establishing realistic and viable priority goals, and forecasting administrative action to achieve the proposed program’s objective was known as health planning. Primary, secondary, and tertiary level institutions, as well as public, corporate, and non-profit organizations, require proper planning and management. If no planning is in place, the required accomplishments will become increasingly difficult as time goes on. A good footballer would not be able to assure victory if his moves were not goal-oriented in these circumstances.

The final of planning was described using terms borrowed from army and sporting vocabulary, such as objective, target, and aim. A goal was a desired state that goals and resources are aimed toward. It is not bound by time or available resources, and it is not always feasible. It is written at the top level and covers a wide range of topics. An aim was a predetermined end point for all operations, which can be met or not. A target was often used to refer to a specific activity, such as the proportion of children who have been inoculated or who have received vitamin A. It allows for the concept of achievement level. Thus, targets were concerned with the elements that contribute to an issue, whereas objectives were directly concerned with the problem itself. Both were valuable markers for tracking progress and evaluating the success of proposed projects, initiatives, and policies in achieving their stated objectives. Before a goal can be achieved, it usually necessitates the completion of numerous targets. Good goals should be SMART, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. A program is a series of activities meant to carry out policies and achieve goals. It provided a step-by-step method for guiding the actions required to achieve a predefined goal. Programs and objectives must be closely linked.

Theories covered in the course

Screening and signaling theory

The modern labor market was characterized by a lack of accurate information. This provided some ambiguity in the Human Resource sector, particularly in terms of recruiting and selection. Because there was lack of clarity about potential employees’ productive talents, firms are looking for other ways to recruit and choose personnel. In the hiring process, signaling and screening theories were very crucial. The growing number of qualifications gained by the workplace is a phenomenon that poses a number of recruitment and selection issues. Challenges included diminishing the efficacy of signals and making the recruitment process more difficult.  recruitment as a result of having more applications to manage. Additional testing, such as further psychometric testing to examine the more subjective traits, may be conducted to predict productivity. Using additional resources to filter out applicants made the recruitment and selection process more difficult.

Employers had a variety of options for dealing with the growing number of qualifications in the workforce. In addition to deciding on credentials, a larger focus were placed on psychological profiling for mental qualities. Because employers’ primary goals are productivity and efficiency, attributes like motivation take precedence over credentials. While generic abilities were difficult to detect due to incomplete data, it is the attributes that employees possessed that had a direct impact on performance.

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