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PSDA Cycle Quality Improvement

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PSDA Cycle Quality Improvement

Task – Quality Improvement (QI) poster

PDSA cycle for quality improvement


This is a poster related to QI improvement. The chosen area for improvement is pressure injuries (PI). I have provided the aim (SMART goals) below. Please read through SMART goals. I have also provided some components of QI project. The requirement is to write quality improvement cycle – Apply PDSA to this given idea, (PLAN, DO , STUDY, ACT). 250- 300 word is enough. With in text citations included. APA 7th referencing. Must be current references.


For more information about PDSA cycle


When implementing the PDSA quality improvement cycle for a clinical practice improvement project, we need to follow these steps:-

1) Clarify the problem

– If there is no problem, don’t change anything.  If there is need, you need to explore the diagnostics to assist with appropriate and targeted interventions.

– Communicate the need for change with the team and managers.  You need to be able to ‘sell’ the value of your quality improvement project.

2) Establish the project team

– Get engaged and motivated individuals together.  But make sure it is not all ‘yes’ men!  There is value in having some sceptics, who will question and challenge you.

– Consider if you need any content experts.

3) Clarify the project governance

– Need to establish support from management/leaders.  They can provide vital information, permissions, support, resources etc.

4) Project AIM (What are we trying to accomplish?)

– This needs to be a SMART aim.

– Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-framed

5) Measurement (How will we know the change is an improvement?)

– Measurement of the data collected.  In some cases you may need formal data analysis

6) Testing (What changes can we make that will result in an improvement?)

– Trials of interventions, simple to complex.  Can test a series of different interventions if needed. PSDA Cycle Quality Improvement




The Model for Improvement is based on a ‘trial-and-learning’ approach to improvement. The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a method for testing a change – by trying it, observing the consequences, and then learning from those consequences.

  • Plan a change.  Teams plan what they will do as a small test of change.  What they expect to find?  When are they going to do it?  Who will do it?  Where will it be done?
  • Do.  Implement a trial.  Carry out the plan.  Document problems and unexpected observations.
  • Study.  Review the outcomes/analyse the data.  Compare this to what you thought would happen.   Summarise what you learnt from the results.
  • Act.  Try again and spread the change


SMART goals


Specific – To reduce incidence of pressure injuries in a subacute setting through the implementation of a pressure injury checklist


Measure – 80% – preventable




On admission skin assessment

  • Referral to a physio (if needed)
  • Correct documentation
  • Risk assessment


On ward daily skin assessment


  • 2 hourly reposition
  • encourage mobilisation
  • Encourage hydration and nutrition
  • Ensuring that when ADLs are attended, skin is clean, dry and moisturise
  • Daily PI/wound checks
  • If pressure sores evident, ensure to apply heel wedges, limb protectors and blanket cradle
  • Daily wound dressing as per hospital protocols
  • Wound chart, pain chart
  • Monitor hydration and intake
  • Underlying causes including diabetes

             Realistic – yes

             Time frame – Over 6 months



  • Education and training of staff
    • Patient education (education pamphlet)
      (including patient centred care by informing what the plan is)


  • Improving safety checklist
    • bedside/hardcopy (patient)
    • Reminder of high-risk areas at handover (staff)
    • Skin inspection of high-risk areas at handover
    • Patient education


On checklist

  • Repositioning (left/right side, SOOB)
  • Education done (yes/no) patients? Staff?
  • Things implemented (heel wedge, barrier cream, protective dressing, air mattress)
  • Level of risk (high, mid, low) Independent


QI Components:

  • Education for staff and or consumers
  • Policy/procedure change
  • New equipment
  • Audits
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