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Project Idea Discussion Assignment

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Project Idea Discussion Assignment


The first step in completing the final paper project is to submit a project idea/topic for your project. It is important for you to submit an idea to ensure that you have chosen a suitable topic and there are no major issues that might prevent you from completing your project. Your idea must address some aspect of the course content, include an activism, outreach, or service component, be feasible to complete, and go beyond work already completed for the course.

  • Course Content: You may choose any topic that is related to the course objectives, including topics we covered in class, the text, or the online lecture content, even if we haven’t covered the topic yet.
  • Activism, Outreach, or Service Component: Your project must include an activism, outreach, or service component, based on the descriptions provided. Some common problems related to meeting this requirement include proposing a research study (such as giving people surveys or questionnaires) or a research paper. Those are not acceptable. The project must include the activism, outreach, or service component. You can review the overview of the final project in the Final Project Module.  You can also find the explanation of final project types (activism, outreach, and service) and examples of each on the page Activism, Outreach, and Service in the Final Project Module.
  • Feasibility: You must be able to complete the activism, outreach, or service component within the current semester with enough time to complete and submit a final written paper describing your actions. Some common problems related to feasibility include projects that are too large or ambitious or that depend extensively on working with an agency or organization that you have not yet identified or been able to make arrangements with.
  • Go beyond work already completed for the course: The work for the final project must go beyond other assignments already completed for the course. Prior assignments cannot be re-used or repeated to fulfill the requirements for the final project. Project Idea Discussion Assignment

Points/Questions to Address

To complete the Final Project Idea Assignment, address the following questions:

  1. What is the topic of your final project? Please be specific.
  2. What is the general approach you plan to take: activism, outreach, or service?
  3. What specific actions do you plan to take to meet the activism, outreach, or service component requirement?
  4. If you plan to work with an agency or organization, please describe the arrangements you’ve discussed to date.
  5. Explain why the project is feasible to complete this semester.
  6. Describe how the project goes beyond or is different from other work you’ve done so far.
  7. Conclude by noting any challenges you think you may face and/or any questions for your instructor.

The instructor will review all ideas and provide you with feedback. You MUST receive approval of your idea before moving forward with your project.










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