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professional collaboration with collegues

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An important part of your professional development is collaboration with your colleagues and developing thriving communities of practice in which people and resources support and inspire, inform and challenge, and bring unique talents and perspectives that add to your own.

Over the past 3 weeks, course Discussions have provided you with an opportunity to explore healthy prenatal development, the strengths-based perspective, and brain development. Each of these topics can be cast as pressing advocacy issues within the field, where powerful messages can impact intended audiences and ripple out, supporting child and family development in new and exciting ways.

Review the Learning Resources on how to create an effective advocacy message.

By Day 3 of Week 5

Post to your blog:

Select one of the three Discussion posts you developed during this module and create an advocacy message designed to inform and educate other early childhood educators about the importance of the issue. Your blog post should include the following:

  • A brief, research-based overview of the issue you selected (healthy prenatal development, adopting a strengths-based perspective, optimizing brain development)
  • A related advocacy message that you feel is essential for early childhood professionals and supportive of positive social change
  • Why this topic/message is of particular importance to you
  • Questions or calls for support from your colleagues

By Day 7 of Week 5

Interact with and respond to your colleagues, sharing additional insights, comparing experiences, and posing questions that further promote dialogue.

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