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Producing Credible Communication 11081 Assignment

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Producing Credible Communication 11081 Assignment

Assessment Aims

This assessment will enable you to practice and demonstrate:

  • Your analytical and editorial skills e.g. general purpose of the assessment
  • Your understanding of the different types of qualitative and quantitative research
  • Your understanding of the differences and overlaps between scientific (peer-reviewed) and news (media) discourses
  • Your understanding of unit concepts

Assessment Overview

The purpose of this assessment is to

(a) critically analyse academic research which has been reported on in the news media using your understanding of unit concepts and research methods, and

(b) assess this news representation of academic research in terms of its accuracy, objectivity and legitimacy.

You will choose one of four news media articles linked below.

  • Based on the information contained in the news report, you will need to search and locate the academic research quoted in the news media article using university library databases.
  • Your analysis will consider how the research has been translated from the original academic paper to the news media article. In particular, discuss whether or not the research has been represented accurately, objectively and in a balanced manner.
  • Discuss which kind of qualitative or quantitative research methods were used in the research and whether this is represented in the news media article. You will need to include at least 3 references from the unit’s reading list.
  • The first part of the semester will feature academic study skills sessions to support you with article and database searches.

producing credible communication 11081 Assignment

Assessment formatting and referencing


The length is 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Please use Times New Roman or Calibri, font size 12 with x1.5 or x2 line spacing.

Your work will be scanned by anti-plagiarism software (URKUND).Producing Credible Communication 11081 Assignment


Use the APA referencing style in this assessment. In-text references are required.

Detailed instructions

The assessment unfolds as follows:

  1. Choose one of the 4 news media articles (see below)
  2. Based on the information about the academic research contained in the news media article, create a set of keywords to help guide your search for the research article [article and database search techniques will be presented as part of a Study Skills video session facilitated by the Library].
  3. Using your set of keywords search the journal databases to which the library university has access. Find the original research article and ascertain if the academic journal is peer-reviewed (if necessary, use Ulrichsweb to check peer-reviewed status).
  4. Critically analyse (compare, contrast and evaluate) the representation of the research in the news article with the original research.
  5. Demonstrate whether or not the research has been represented accurately, objectively and in a balanced manner in the news article. Evaluate whether the news perspective is legitimate (compatible with broadly shared values).
  6. Discuss whether qualitative and quantitative research methods were used and whether this is represented in the news media article.
  7. Indicate whether the academic research is peer-reviewed or not.
  8. Include a minimum of 3 additional references from the Unit’s readings.  References are not included in the word count. Use the APA referencing system.

Here is the link to the referencing guides made available by the UC Library: (Links to an external site.)

  1. At the end of your piece include a reference list of material cited in your report.

Do not include in your reference list material not cited in your report.

  1. Ensure your name, tutorial day/time, the referencing system used and word count are included at the beginning of your assignment before submitting it via the assignment Dropbox on Canvas.

Quitting Facebook for just 5 days can make you less stressed, study showsLinks to an external site.

Media Article 2- 

Many psychology studies fail the replication testLinks to an external site.

Media Article 3-

Podcast listeners likely to be more curious and less neurotic – studyLinks to an external site.

Media Article 4-

Children will show compassion unless it costs them, research findsLinks to an external site.



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