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Planning Application Scenario Report

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Planning Application Scenario Report


A developer has approached you because you seem pretty knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the planning permit process, and has asked you to provide advice about the planning process to build three two storey town houses on what is currently a site with a single residence.

The council has already told the owner that the site is large enough for three two storey town houses, and the proposed use is permitted under the planning scheme. However, there is a vegetation overlay that applies to the site, and the council will therefore require a planning application to be submitted. The details of the owner’s site are set out below:



The site

  • The existing residence on the site is a single storey cement sheet lined timber residence built in 1969 with side driveway to a rear brick garage;
  • There are three gum trees in the back yard, and each is at least 50 years old and 25 metres high. An endangered species of owl has been seen by the neighbours nesting in one of the trees and reported in the local press;
  • The adjoining allotments each have a single storey home of similar age;
  • The adjoining owner on the driveway side has lived in their home for at least 45 years, and is the chairperson of a local action group that opposes all the (quote) “ugly flats that are being built in their area” and has been lobbying the local council. The Ward Councillor for the site has advised the resident that council supports higher density living in the area, but has promised that the design of all future developments will be closely scrutinised to avoid the common issues that arise in town house planning and design;
  • The occupants on the other adjoining allotment have rented their home for five years, and the owner is an overseas investor. Planning Application Scenario Report

The project

  • The proposed town houses will be two storey, brick veneer with colour bond steel rooves and an upstairs balcony facing a side boundary;
  • Each town house has a ground level double garage;
  • Total contract value for construction of the three town houses is $960,000 including all site works and services;
  • Three months has been allowed by the owner to obtain a planning permit.


Provide the owner with a report discussing the following:

  1. Provide a list of mandatory planning and design matters that the architect/building designer will need to address in the design of the town houses to satisfy the Council’s planning requirements for the land (e.g. fire safety, environmental etc);
  2. Advise the owner of what information will need to be provided as part of the application for a planning permit and any specialist consultants that may be required to provide input and advice;
  3. Advise the owner of their options if the planning application is not approved by the council.

Be sure to use language and concepts that are appropriate to cultural differences. Ensure you reference relevant industry codes of practice and Australian Standards where required.


The report should be a minimum of two pages. Use APA style, font 12, New times Roman, double spaced.

Make sure you answer all questions listed above, as failure to do so will result in a non-satisfactory (NS) mark.

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