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PICOT Statement Assignment

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                                                      PICOT Statement Assignment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to identify a clinical question and document the
significance of the question to advanced nursing practice. [Module 1, Objective 2]
Please review:
• Chapter 1 in your Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019) text
• Chapter 2 in your Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019) text
If you are working in a group, you will work together on this assignment. One person will
upload the final product on Canvas.
This is not a paper – you do not need a cover page, running head, etc. Please use the information
below to complete the “PICOT Statement” file to document completion of this assignment

                                                                    BACKGROUND QUESTION
A. What is your burning clinical question? That is, a general question about a topic area
[if you are considering something you would like to address for your DNP Project –
this would be a good place to start]. This should be what Fineout-Overholt and
Stillwell (2019) in your Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text define as your background
question (see page 37). It is NOT the same as your PICOT! It is NOT about what you
think you are going to do in your DNP Project.
B Why is this background question important to you and to your practice.

A. Identify the type of PICOT according to Fineout-Overholt and Stillwell (2019) in
your Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text (intervention, prognosis/ prediction, diagnosis
or diagnostic test, etiology, or meaning).
B. Provide a rationale for your choice of this type of PICOT.
C. Cite appropriately using APA.
Identify the P, I, C, O, T elements.
Written PICOT Statement – use the format as identified by Fineout-Overholt and
Stillwell (2019) in your Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text for the specific type of PICOT.
State your PICOT in question format, with identifiers (i.e., P, I, C, O, T) as in the examples
provided in your textbook.
                                                       V. SIGNIFICANCE
A. Write two paragraphs discussing the “so what?” in terms of prevalence of the issue,
impact on quality, and impact on cost / impact on patient outcomes. Provide rationale for
why this is a compelling and significant PICOT for your area of nursing practice.
B. Cite appropriately using APA.
VI. REFERENCE LIST (APA): include all sources cited in II and V above

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