Conduct research either using the textbook and/or online website and provide a summary of the following concepts. The format of your paper must follow APA format guidelines only to the extent you properly include in-text citations to document where you got your information.
• Discuss: the properties of light (including the concept of reflection, refraction, and dispersion)
• Discussed the nature of light wave – like behavior and particle like behavior
• Discussed the general theory of relativity (including special relativity one and two)
• Explain the electronic charges associated with the parts of the atom

• Explain Dalton’s atomic theory
• describe Moore’s theory and how it is associated with the quantum theory of the atom
- Explain quantum mechanics model
Pick any four and write an APA formatted response paper. Make sure you follow the APA rules specifically to document your in-text citation and your reference page. If you have a question, please let me know. The templates below are what I expect your paper to look like. Make sure your paper is in word doc format only; NOT IN APA format. I need to have it in word format in order to make comments on your paper.