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Personal Well-being Case Study

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Personal Well-being Case Study

Priority concerns regarding James’ health and well being

  1. Weak defense- weak defense in the wounded area of James if left untreated the part will be subjected to weak defense since this infection follows a break in the skin like puncture wounds
  2. Entry- the uncovered part of James’ wound will be subjected to bacterial entering into the skin since its dermis is damaged and continue to multiply within the body.
  3. Inflammation- this infection makes the infected part of James get swollen, turn red and tender which in turn might be followed by the symptom of fever if left uncovered.
  4. Invasion- the infected part of James If left untreated the infection would go a step further and reach the inner layers of the skin and enter the lymph nodes and bloodstreams which in turn spreads through the whole body.

Two possible safety concerns for nursing James and two strategies for risk assessments

Safety concerns

  1. Blood infection- the surrounded tissues of the infected part enable penetration of pathogens that enter the bloodstream of James and therefore contaminates his blood
  2. Bone infection- this infection when left uncovered it can result in a severe burrow through the layers of the skin and eventually reach the bones(Ebob-Anya, 2019).

Strategies for risk assessment

  1. Blood test- Jen who is the rural area nurse would ask for the blood test to determine the rate of infection to know the extent of the Cellulitis for better treatment
  2. Wound culture- Jen can also use this method of wood culture to determine the causative factor of James wound

Assessment and four examples of questions

After assessing James, Jen found that James has been experiencing a lot of difficulties whereby he has been left home alone since his wife works some distance from their home. She finds out that James has not eaten, the temperatures have risen, and significant leg pain. This makes James have the feeling of being useless which is indicated by James saying that he can’t even get to the toilet and also letting them manage his farm. Personal Well-being Case Study

The questions to ask James might include

  1. What made your leg have a wound?
  2. After the treatment by the nurses in the hospital were you given some antibiotics for dressing?
  3. Do you experience a fever at times?
  4. Who has been dressing your wound for the last two days?

Cultural and language considerations

  1. Unfamiliar with the palliative care concept- this is evidence whereby the family of James does not show any concern about caring for him. They just leave him alone at home without anyone to take care of him(Mendiola-So, 2017).
  2. Distrust of healthcare professionals- it is important to trust those who take care of our situations. James shows distrust by the doctors who had been taking care of him back in the hospital and making the decision of home care based.
  3. Personal experience- James has never been in such a situation whereby he has taken long without visiting his farm. He sees this as a punishment that has even led to depression and sees himself as useless.
  4. Belief in alternative medicine- James had the belief of if he’s nursed back at home with different antibiotics and also by a different nurse, he would heal quickly which is not true. It is important to believe the medication which is being offered by our clinicians References

Ebob-Anya, B. A. (2019). Management of cellulitis and the role of the nurse: a 5-year retrospective multicentre study in Fako, Cameroon. BMC research notes, 1-6.

Mendiola-So, M. L. (2017). A systematic review of whirlpool as an adjunctive treatment for cellulitis. Wound Medicine, 47-74.


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