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Operational Planning and Policy Assignment

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Q1. Please read the below pragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citation and references

The general experience was more of excitement and filled with too much of information I would say. It was super fun to be a part of such unique activity. The overall model of simulation was nice but the initial walkthrough videos was insufficient. The documentation however was very extensive and filled with lot of information. This user guides were the key to operating inside the application. There should definitely be team mate review process midway through the simulation to avoid any burden on other mates. The system was also very quick to take changes and show pro-forma analysis. It was very quick in navigation and pretty simple for newbies like me. The payment processing instructions from the professor as well as vendor were very clear and didn’t had any issues registering. It was nice of the software team to give one practice session, but I believe two practice weeks should be given to fully understand the effect of all changes.

Q2. Please read the below pragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citation and references

The most intriguing part of this course was the simulation process. It provided me with ability to make realistic decisions and understand the consequences of those decisions made. It promoted concept attainment through experimental practice. It is deeply engaging students to get into a healthy competition along with understanding and applying the concepts learned during the course. Students were divided into groups and assigned individual firms. The agenda was to own the company and make it progress applying the concepts of marketing strategies, Manufacturing operations, finance and other areas. The teams shared individual thoughts in developing their companies using different strategic principles. Every week we were implementing change to our strategic plan to compete with other firms/groups. Teamwork is an essential component in working out this simulation process where we get a chance to share our thoughts in implanting the strategies and achieve the target.

Subject – Systems analysis Design

Q3. Please read the below pragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 100 words with intext citation and references

As a software engineer in any organization, I can use all this important information in my workplace. I can use SDLC in my projects to complete them effectively. At each level, I may utilize it to enhance efficiency. As processing capacity grows, the need for software and developers grows as well. Companies must save expenses, provide software more quickly, and meet or exceed consumer expectations. SDLC aids in achieving these objectives by detecting inefficiencies and increased costs and resolving them so that everything flows smoothly (Berczuk & Appleton, 2020). SDLC, like many other business processes, attempts to analyze and improve the software development process. From day-to-day coding to controlling production dates, it offers a scalable picture of the project.

Subject – Internship

Q4. Please read the below pragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 100 words with intext citation and references

A Software Requirements Specifications is a document that states the features of the software and how it is expected to be like. An SRS document is important to all the teams that are involved in the development of the software since this document provides detailed requirements on the functionalities and features, which ensures the requirements will be met by different teams. Here I listed some of the requirements according to my research.

1. the purpose of the software, which will include Intended Audience and Intended Use.

2. the scope of the software, this presents what value the software will provide to the users.

3. overall description of the software.

4. functional requirements, this lists essential functionalities of the project need to include, and their requirements and risks.

5. interface requirements, this section describes how the software will interact with other components or users in some kind of form.

6. non-functional requirements, this part explains what other non-functional attributes are necessary for better performance.

Q5. Please read the below pragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 100 words with intext citation and references

first of all, we need to understand what is the top 3-5 company’s strategies, for example, “cross-sell more products, pricing strategies, technological advantage and etc…”(indeed). From those strategies, we know how we can use the software requirements lists to support that. The SRS template I answered in DQ1 mentioned the whole process, which includes that it needs to describe the functionality of software according to the customers’ uses. Standing on the customer’s side to understand more what they need and put those on the document to save customer service time and also bring more and more customers. Moreover, it will help the marketing team to target the customer more correctly. 

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