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Nursing Questions Discussion Assignment

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Nursing Questions Discussion Assignment

NUR104 Assessment Task 2: Workbook 40%
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1. Describe the ageing trend globally and in Australia. Discuss any differences between the
age profile for rural and urban Australians. Use credible sources to inform your response.
(200 words) /5 marks
2. Define successful ageing. Provide one example of an ageing theory that focuses on the
psychosocial aspects of ageing and describe how it might be used to understand successful ageing
Use credible sources to inform your response.(200 words)
/5 marks
3. Identify two key differences in the experience of ageing between indigenous and nonindigenous Australians. Discuss two factors behind these differences . Use credible
sources to inform your response. (200 words) /5 marks

4. Discuss the incidence of volunteering amongst older Australian adults? Discuss threeimplications of volunteering for older adults. Use credible sources to inform your
response.(200 words) /5 marks

5. Identify two organisations that support or protect the rights of older people in Australia.
Discuss the role of one of these organisations in protecting equity, rights and access. Use
credible sources to inform your response. (200 words) Nursing Questions Discussion Assignment
3 | P a g e
/5 marks
6. What age-related changes contribute to increased risk of falls in older adults? What strategies
can the nurse use to prevent falls , and assess and manage an older adults who does fall? Use
credible sources to inform your response. (200 words) /5 marks

7. Define informal caregiving and discuss three challenges faced by informal caregivers of older
adults. Use current literature to discuss a strategy that could be enacted to support these informal
caregivers. (200 words)
/5 marks

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