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Nursing Mental Health Discussion

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Nursing Mental Health Discussion


Discussion Post question:

This week, you begin to lay the foundation for your academic and professional success. Your efforts begin with a vision, which includes your own definition of success. Your vision may vary from those of your colleagues, but this does not mean you have to take these first steps alone.

Walden University and the College of Nursing also have a vision and mission, which include helping you to make your own vision a reality. Members of your new academic community, such as faculty, support teams, and fellow students, can also be helpful. Current practitioners and other members of the professional community can also help you to clarify your vision.

This week’s Discussion asks you to consider how the Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals. You will also begin to identify individuals and teams who can help you along the way as you begin designing the “blueprint”—your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan—that will guide you toward your own vision for academic and professional success. Finally, you will explain the importance of networking and how it can help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

Initial post:

Dr. Gatlin and Classmates,

My name is Namrata Patel; I hold a Bachelor’s in Nursing and a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology. I currently work in the telemetry/med surge unit.  I have eight years of nursing experience in mental health community living centers, rehab, and hospice. My daily professional encounter with staff and patients provides insight into the importance of nourishing mental health, impacting physical well-being and overall quality of life. Universally, we invest in appraising our physical health but elect to silently suffer and ignore our mental health due to fear of social stigma. Mental health reflects our ways of dealing with life, passion, and relationships. Mental health affects our energy levels to conduct daily activities as well. Usually, people act and behave according to their mood, which can knowingly or unknowingly affect other people surrounding them. From my professional and personal experience, I have learned that mental health is an integral component of our well-being that cannot be overlooked. Nursing Mental Health Discussion

Definition of Success

I have noticed that mental health comes in many forms and can be triggered by various events. Some readmissions within three to ten days in acute mental health care settings could be due to fragmented care and patients’ non-compliance. Sometimes homelessness, addiction, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, suicidal risk, and other mental illnesses may lead patients to relapse from the treatment in lack of a robust support system. Unstable living environment, personal choices, non-compliance to the therapy, isolation from their loved ones, and fragmented care are significant factors that can affect the recovery process of a mental health patient. I realized through my work experience that identifying stressors, enforcing preventative measures, providing compassionate care and support systems, and seeking out professional help on onset are vital components of mental health maintenance. My success will be graduating to serve the under privileged mental health population in the society in best of my professional abilities. I am a compassionate, calm, composed, and non-judgmental person. My personal qualities will fit well with the mental health nurse practitioner path I have decided to pursue. Attending NAMI meetings helped me understand how a mental health patient can impact the entire family’s well-being in all aspects. My desire to support and bridge the gaps in caring for mental health patients will inspire me to complete my program.

The Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner program will serve my goal and purpose in advocating for the patients who struggle to be heard and respected in the community. The Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner program will help me learn how to manage their treatment in compassion, understanding, and attention to holistic care.    I strongly desire to pursue a master’s degree in the Nursing Psychiatric/Mental Health Program, and my willingness to care for mental health patients will motivate me to complete this course. I have elected Walden University for the Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program because the coursework will offer concepts and clinical practices that I will gain throughout the program. Walden University promotes flexibility learning environment and readily accessible tools for the students to be successful. I will utilize learning center, library, academic support of my counselor, peers, and instructors to achieve success in my professional and academic goals.

In today’s era of professional networking, nurses establish connections with other nurses to support each other in enhancing their career and professional goals. Attending professional events, webinars, nursing schools, and being part of a nursing organization can allow me to build upon my professional network. These will serve as an excellent avenue for me to meet nurses within the same area of interest. My classmates and my colleague enrolled in MH NP program my connections can be valuable in getting support in my learning process and improving practices. I can collaborate with a nurse researching the same topic, share knowledge, or other opportunities. Professional networking begins from nursing school as a new graduate nurse. Nursing school helps students connect to other student nurses and instructors residing in different states with common interests. During my clinical practicum, I will be going to other facilities, which will allow me to meet more nurses in the same field while gaining my student learning experience. In conclusion, this will not provide me invaluable skills in my practice to make me confident in enhancing care for my future patients and supporting the medical team in making a healthier community for everyone while building up my professional networking.

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