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MKT2360-International Sales & Marketing

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MKT2360-International Sales & Marketing

Short Answer Questions:

Each answer should address each part of the question fully.  When you answer each question, if you refer to any resources, including the lecture materials, textbook or any other materials you must cite your sources using proper APA referencing.  Upload this template to the submission folder as a Word document.  Refer to the Assignment Handout for the rubrics, where applicable.

1.      What are two key functions of brand positioning?  Describe how these functions are particularly important to international marketing? (10 marks)

2. Read the descriptions below about the innovative and successful marketing strategies that these organizations have used, then answer the two questions after (Parts A & B) = 20 marks total.

Whole Foods

·         Generates content that reflects an understanding of what its customer is looking for.

·         Promotes a “greener” lifestyle such as eliminating plastic bags and using only reusable bags.

·         Focuses on local aspect of the stores and lessens the feeling of shopping at a big chain store.

·         Has a unique and cheerful store design that is easy to navigate.

·         Partners with shows like Top Chef to promote its products.

·         Offers a range of organic and local foods.

·         Hosts events and runs multiple blogs.


·         Focuses on quality, image and community, which is an expensive approach but one that has staying power and rarely decreases in value.

·         The aluminum exterior offers customers a high-quality and durable trailer.

·         Launched a new website and digital experience in 2014.

·         Offers community and dealership events where customers can sit in an Airstream to experience it themselves.

·         Is created to be lightweight, making it easier and cheaper to be transported.

·         Uses the tagline “Live Riveted” for its promotional campaigns.

·         Has a wide range of in-trailer features to make travel more comfortable.



Using the above information on these two companies, write 3 points for each company that would likely be found in the Actual/Tangible Product Level of their product for their marketing plan. (2 marks each = 12 marks).

Whole Foods   Airstream  
A.        For each organization, identify 2 marketing strategies that would likely have to be adapted or localized for an international market.  (2 marks each = 8 marks)
Whole Foods Airstream
1.        What are three examples of cultural adjustments that international sales representatives may be required to make when presenting to an audience from a different country? (10 marks)
2.       You are about to enter into negotiations with a buyer from Sudan. You have not been able to find enough information to substantiate the buyer’s capabilities or intention of the business deal.  During what stage of the negotiation process will you ask questions about the company and the current deal? Why? (10 marks)
3.       Describe three benefits that e-commerce presents to organizations interested in international trade. (10 marks)

4.       What technological advancement do you think will have the greatest impact on a global organization’s e-commerce operations in the next two years?   Explain the technological advancement.  Why do you think it will have the greatest impact?  (10 marks)
5.       Select a product of an international company of your choice. Study the product and describe what intellectual property law can be used to protect this product. What changes/adaptation would need to be made to it in order for it to be used in a different market?  (20 marks)
Product from an International Company:

(insert the product picture here)

What type of intellectual property law can be applied to this product? Remember to include why – your reasoning:  
What changes/adaptations would need to be made in order for it to be used in a different market?  State what market and what changes need to be made (if any). Remember to include why – your reasoning.  
REFERENCES:  Please add any research references, including the course textbook here, please make sure you provide in text citations as well. APA REFERENCES




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