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Mental Health Care Plan 

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Mental Health Care Plan 

Healthcare Nursing assignment

Task description:

Students are required to prepare a written mental health care plan that addresses the holistic care and recovery needs of the consumer identified in the chosen case study in assessment two. The plan must include ethical and legislative considerations related to mental health care and it needs to be evidence-based considering the specifics of the case study chosen.

  • The mental health care plan must address the 3 priorities outlined in your mental health assessment (Assessment 2).

Your care plan will

  1. Identify the three priorities for your consumer relating to safety, care, and recovery, supported by current peer-reviewed academic literature, published within the past 5 years.
  2. Describe one(1) evidence-based person-centered intervention for each priority, which could be implemented to address and support each of the priorities you have identified
  3. Discuss evaluation criteria to determine the efficacy of the chosen interventions (how you would know they have worked). Again, your strategies and interventions are to be supported by peer-reviewed academic literature, within the past 5 years. Mental Health Care Plan 

Formatting guidelines:

  • This assessment is an academic written assignment, with a clear introduction and conclusion as well as structured paragraphs.
  • Headings and subheadings should be used.
  • Times New Roman font styles in size 12
  • Page number and student number at the top right corner
  • The text should be double spaced, with the first line of each paragraph indented.
  • Word count 1500 including in-text citations.

Use of Academic Literature and Referencing Guidelines:

  • APA 7threferencing style.
  • A minimum of eight (8) references, from the peer-reviewed academic literature, is required for this assignment.
  • Use of contemporary and relevant literature to support discussion.

For example:

  • Current evidence-based practice guidelines, for example, the National Medicines Policy released by the Australian Department of Health.
  • Peer-reviewed literature published within five (5) years, 2016-2021.
  • Recently published textbooks relevant to the Australian Healthcare setting
  • Seminal works where relevant.


 Please see below for case studies if you require a refresher

Andy is a 21-year-old university student brought by his mother for psychiatric consultation due   to   concerns   raised   by   GP.   He looks   anxious   and   agitated. Andy is a 21-year-old final year university student, lives in a shared house with his friends. Andy   is   presenting with Persecutory delusion,he says “My housemates work for MI5 and they’re doing stuff to my brain, and they are out to get me ” –The symptoms present since approximately 2 months. He has ,Auditory hallucinations-“I can hear them talking about me, there are three of them “, “They’re always talking about everything I’m doing”. He accuses that his housemates have put a tracking device MI5 into his brain and control over his thoughts “They’re putting stuff in my brain… they’re not my thoughts” (Delusion of control) –he claims that he can feel the chip is rotating around his brain “I can feel it all the time” and he firmly believes that the thoughts that he has aren’t actually his “It’s MI5. It’s this chip they’ve put in my head” (Bizarre delusion).

The symptoms have affected his social functioning he is not going  of his room an isolative behaviour .He also accuses that his mates have been poisoning him leading to a loss of  appetite  “They  have  been  doing  stuff  to  my  food”.  He  feels  unsafe  living  with  the housemates and carrying a knife and baseballbatto protect him.Andyhas had suicidal ideation to  cope  with  the  symptom,  planning  on  taking  overdose  tablets.   He  is  also using  substances  ,cannabis  ten  bags  per  day  and  speed  over  the  weekend  .He  is  not  on  any medications currently.He does not have any legal history, not involved with law so far.


Risk of suicide: Andy has had suicidal ideation to cope with the symptom, planning on taking overdose tablets “I thought of taking some pills”Static  factors  :  Diagnosis  of  mental  illness  (psychosis),Cannabis  and  speed  use ,male gender Dynamic factors : Active suicidal ideation, current substance use


Aggression:  no  history  of  abusive  or  violent behaviour“I am not that kind of person;I don’t want to hurt anybody”/ no criminal records•


Risk of harm to others/housemates: “I’ve got a knife and a baseball bat”“it’s just in case they get in my room” “I don’t want to hurt anyone,but I just feel like I’ve got to protect myself” Andy admits that  he  has  never  felt  the  need  to  use  the weapons “I don’t want get caught” “it’sjust in my room”Static factors : History of substance useDynamic factors: Active substance use ,presence of delusions and hallucinations

Presenting problem: Andy is a 21-year-oldmale university student, in the final year of his degree, lives in a shared house with his friends. He is presented anxiousand agitated ,and had Persecutory delusion,delusion of control and bizarre delusion . He also experiences auditory hallucinationsand using cannabis 10 bags per day and speed  on  weekends .  He  appears  to  develop  an  isolative  behaviour,  and  lack  of appetite.  He  is  expressing  fears  for  his  safety  and  is  often  hiding  himself  in  his bedroom with a knife and a baseball bat.He is also presenting with suicidal ideation and planned to overdose himself with some medications.

  • Predisposing factors: History and  current  substance  use  (cannabis  and  speed),he uses 10 bags of cannabis in a day and use speed on weekends. No other predisposing factors discussed in the video.
  • Precipitating factors: Use of speed in addition to regular cannabis use. No stressors identified in the video
  • Perpetuating factors: continued use of substances
  • Protective factors –has  a  supportive  mother  whom  he  loves,  cares and  worries about. Has started to attend medical/psychological treatment. willing to engage in treatment approaches. He is physically healthy
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