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Media and Propaganda Discussion Assignment

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Choose one of the two options below for your discussion.

Option 1

1. What is the relationship between media and propaganda? 

2. Beyond American Sniper, present and discuss 2 Hollywood films that push American war propaganda.

3. Using current examples, demonstrate how US propaganda is pushed abroad today.

You can use the reading on the US military base in Ghana to help guide you to come up with current examples of how US propaganda manifests in the Global South today.

Reflections should be 300-500 words long.

  • Incorporate references to course materials presented this week and a link to a current news event or topic that relates to the week’s materials into your reflections.

Comment on at least TWO of your classmates’ discussion posts

  • Your comments should reflect one or more of the following:
    • Agreement with extension
    • An alternative perspective with your rationale
    • A respectful challenge with counter argument

Option 2

1. Using current examples, demonstrate how media framing of issues around immigration and terrorism reinscribe the status quo by perpetuating the immigrant vs. expatriate and terrorist vs. lone-wolf trope. 

2. How do these week’s readings and video clips further our understanding of the relationship between media, war, and foreign policy in the post 9/11 political environment? 

3. Many would argue that the United States has become paranoid after 9/11, which has resulted in an acceleration of surveillance not just outside of U.S. borders but also within. Are we in a perpetual state of fear? What might be the consequences of this constant state of fear? 

Reflections should be 300-500 words long.

  • Incorporate references to course materials presented this week and a link to a current news event or topic that relates to the week’s materials into your reflections.

Comment on at least TWO of your classmates’ discussion posts

  • Your comments should reflect one or more of the following:
    • Agreement with extension
    • An alternative perspective with your rationale
    • A respectful challenge with counter argument

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