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Legal and Ethical Issues Assignment

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                                                                  Legal and Ethical Issues


2000 words maximum

Explain and discuss in relation to the SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors 2019
and the ethical dilemmas faced by solicitors. 2000 words
“Can a good lawyer be a good person? The question troubles lawyers and law
students alike. They are troubled by the demands of loyalty to one’s client and by the
fact that one can win approval as a good, maybe even great, lawyer even though
that loyalty is engrossed by over-privileged or positively distasteful clients.

How, they ask, is such loyalty compatible with that devotion to the common good characteristic
of high moral principles? And whatever their views of the common good, they are
troubled because the willingness of lawyers to help their clients use the law to the
prejudice of the weak or the innocent seems morally corrupt.

The lawyer is conventionally seen as a professional devoted to his client’s interests and as
authorized, if not in fact required, to do some things (though not anything) for that
client which he would not do for himself.” Legal and Ethical Issues Assignment.

Charles Fried, The Lawyer as Friend: The Moral Foundations of the Lawyer-Client
Relation, 85 Yale L.J. 1060 (1976).
– 2000 words maximum
– Reference style: footnotes
– UK based assignment: the essay prompt requires the use of the SRA Code of
Conduct for Solicitors 2019 (UK)
Extra notes:
The expected quality of assignment is provided in the files, this is an example
provided by the university, please take a look through it. Legal and Ethical Issues. APA FORMAT

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