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Leadership Concience Discussion Assignment

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This assignment will provide you the opportunity to articulate how the work this term has shaped the leadership conscience that you can apply to your organizational work setting, whether that setting is an educational, non-profit or other type of organization. The paper should reference and identify a metaphor that could be used to describe the organization. It should also include reflection and a detailed action plan to be presented to the organization’s leadership for purpose of improving organization’s systems (you do not actually have to implement the plan). The assignment includes a detailed narrative and a power point presentation. You must have a minimum of 5 articles outside the course texts in your reference list and the material from these articles must be integrated into the analysis.

Your paper should include the following elements.

  • Personal reflection on the learning in this course
  • Construction of an action plan to put into place new concepts learned in the course that will assist systemic learning in the organization
  • Forecast of the impact of the plan on the organization
  • Conclusion

Each assignment must have a cover page and a reference list in the Fischler College form and style. Suggested length of the narrative paper is 7 pages. The power point will vary in size.

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