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Juvenile Justice Theories Research Assignment

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Assignment Instructions


This assignment is a comprehensive review of the analysis of two theories chosen to discuss and how the theories relate to the six bullet points below. The authors of Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory, Policy and Practice discuss the four main theories (in chapter four) that have been developed that attempt to explain offenses by and against juveniles. 

Please choose two of these theories to analyze against one another.  As you write your essay answer this series of questions (create sub-headings for the series of questions below): Social Disorganization Theory, Deterrence Theory or any two theories from page 4 of the book.

  • Explain each theory.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory?
  • What is the relationship between the theory and practice?
  • Is there any evidence to support the theory and delinquency causation?
  • How is the theory critical to the understanding and control of delinquency?
  • Which theory do you think does the best job of explaining the causation of delinquency and why?


Your essay discusses the above and also aligned with the below criteria too:

  • The length of your assignment is 10 pages.
    • This assignment requires a title page, abstract, reference section, all of which are not included in the page count.
  • Your essay format is APA
  • See the assignment rubric for further details of assignment including reference requirements.
  • Peer-reviewed scholarly resources (should be within five years when possible).
  • Assignment must be submitted as a Word document.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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