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IT Discussion Questions Assignment

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IT Discussion Questions Assignment


Q1. Briefly explain the following creative thinking techniques and their benefits, which are used to solve the issues:

  • Brainstorming
  • Mind mapping

Answer must be between 150-200 words.



  1.  Explain the technique:
  2. Benefits of this technique:

Mind Mapping:

  1. Explain the technique:
  2. Benefits of this technique:


Q2. List and explain at least two impacts and issues for each of the following factors that need to be considered in developing new concepts.

  1. cultural,
  2. social and
  3. environmental


Cultural – impacts and issues:






Social – impacts and issues:




Environmental – impacts and issues:



IT Discussion Questions Assignment

Q3. When commercialising the concept or product, list 3 requirements you should do and 3 issues you could encounter.











Q4. Read scenario below and answer the questions.

Perth Design Company is a small interior design business that provides consultancy and installation services specialising in kitchen and bathroom designs within the Melbourne region. They provide these services to both individual clients and several architectural firms that sub-contract projects for their clients.  They have been in operation for two years and have worked extensively on a wide range of contracts.

They currently promote their services via their website and social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They also advertise in selected design magazines and on selected radio stations.

Perth Design Company works with a large number of other businesses and trade sub-contractors when undertaking installation work. This includes ordering bathroom and kitchen products, as well as installation and fitting kitchens and bathrooms.

Perth Design Company is using an outdated Excel sheet for the contractor and staff recording, and data is not being maintained properly. Many times, the staff complain that their salary is not paid correctly and that there is no proper record and system in place to manage contractors payments.

You have recently joined Perth Design Company as a Business Manager. Your role includes:

  • Review existing process and suggesting how to improve the processes
  • Manage the IT, Business and sales departments
  • Provide mentoring to the staff and contractors
  • Manage projects

Based on the scenario above, answer the following questions:


  1. Explain the practical and operational issues that Perth Design Company is facing.
  2. What solutions would you suggest to resolve the problem?
  3. Explain why Perth Design Company should implement a new process/software?
  4. What techniques you will use to implement a new process/software?

Q5. How will you identify innovation needs within an organisation? List any five reasons.


List  five (5) reasons how you identify that your organisation needs changes

Q6. When working in an organisation what techniques can you use to generate creative ideas and solutions for new concepts? (list two)

How will you implement the new ideas in the workplace? (list two)








use APA style, font 12, new times roman, double spaced

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