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International Trade Strategies and Opportunities

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International Trade Strategies and Opportunities

word count 3000 words


Imagine you are writing in the capacity representing a fictional trade/industry association/sector, investor, company, NGO etc

Eg Q1. Tech/service industry Q2. Chamber of Commerce or Investor/MNC Q3. Exporter group or NGO. Q4. SMEs or civil society group.

Provide policy advocacy and arguments on a preferred approach – address the government trade representative in negotiations.


Worth 40% of the TRADE 5001 final grade


2500-3000 words (circa 8 pages, plus references

Submit via Turnitin

Through individual link to be set up for the course – this must be your own work (not group exercise)

Good Structure and Organisation

Include 1-page Cover/Executive Summary of arguments, reader-friendly headings, sub-headings, discussion sections, logical flow, conclusion, spelling check, referencing.

Depth/Range of Materials consulted

Accurately discuss the background and ‘state of play’ in trade negotiations on this issue (multilateral, regional, bilaterall), eg  RTA Chapters, CPTPP, AANZFTA etc,, WTO/APEC/other proposals.

Clarity/Soundness of  Policy Position

What are the positions you/your members represent? How are they affected by the topic/issue?  Offensive and defensive interests etc. Positives/negatives of possible approaches – highlight in summary

Critical Analysis

How can competing interests, political/regulatory differences be managed (eg coalitions?) Compare effectiveness of provisions (binding/support good practices eg transparency, consistency)?International Trade Strategies and Opportunities


Whenever you quote “ “, or use another source – reference it.


In-text or footnote/endnote, clearly identifiable (page number, weblink, date etc), full biblography


Picks up plagiarism – degree of similarity not a problem as long as properly acknowledged.

Reducing ‘frictions’ for movement of people, technology and ideas, while protecting legitimate public interests and promoting (long run) investment efficiency

Competitive Conditions
Eg Behind the border barriers/regulations, trade (and investment) facilitation, affecting short run productivity, investment restrictions/approvals, risk management, activities of foreign SOEs in domestic markets etc.


Effects of environment/labour regulation on supply chain conditions, production processes/methods, equivalence of regimes for pricing (signals), CSR initiatives etc

Globalization has been good for some, less good for others, with winners and losers. Share (consumer) benefits ‘compensate’ disadvantaged economies/groups/interests

Governments (including Trading Partners)
Impacts of domestic and regulatory developments, transparency/notification, and building coalitions.

Private Sector
Businesses with offensive and defensive interests, trade/ industry associations, MNCs, SMEs, unions

Civil Society, Academia, Media

NGOs and others that have an interest in trade negotiations or the implementation of trade policy Harvard Style

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