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Reading Assignment(s): Read Chapters 1 & 2 in the Textbook Berman, E. M., Bowman, J.S., West, J. P., & VanWart, M. R. (2020). Human Resource Management in Public Service 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication the book can be read online or downloaded here is link

One Discussion Part 1

1. Locate and summarize an article related to concepts of this module’s submission box assignment(s) and POST ON THE DISCUSSION BOARD. Discuss your article in relation to the reading (in 200 words) and cite the source of your article using APA format. (This article is NOT required to be a scholarly article however you must provide the article’s citation.)

One Essay Assignment

After reading Chapter One answer the following question. 

1. Why is managing people so complex at times and why do people dislike management? Make sure you include the paradox of democracy and challenges of HRM within a public organization.

your answer in 300 words  or more using APA 6th ed. format.   Be sure to use in-text citations, two references excluding the textbook.

Now Read Chapters 3 & 4

Two Discussion Part 1

  1. Locate and summarize an article related to concepts of this module’s submission box assignment(s) and POST ON THE DISCUSSION BOARD. Discuss your article in relation to the reading (in 200 words) and cite the source of your article using APA format. (This article is NOT required to be a scholarly article however you must provide the article’s citation.)

TWO Essay Assignment

After reading Chapter Two answer the following question

Q 1. You are on the search committee for a public information officer (this is a non civil service position). The last PIO, a friend of the agency director and former reporter, was a disaster. Most of the time, people did not know what he did; when he did organize press conferences he sometimes became more controversial than the issue being discussed. Having learned her lesson, the director has asked you to nominate a slate of three ranked candidates. Design the selection process. your answer in a minimum 300 words or more using APA 6th ed. format.   Be sure to use in-text citations, two references excluding the textbook

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