General Instructions
Discuss the textbook cover found below. Identify the man on the cover. Is he a good choice for the textbook cover based on the theme of American Freedom and American Slavery, and focusing on American history before 1877? Use historical evidence to make your point.
If you say yes, explain why. If you say no, explain why not. Regardless of your choice, also suggest TWO ADDITIONAL people who deserve to be on the cover of the textbook– with the theme of American Freedom, American Slavery– focusing on American history before 1877and defend your choices. This is an essay for a history class. You should have a thesis sentence, evidence, and transitional sentences.
Be sure you write a thorough essay for a history class. You should have a thesis sentence that answers the question being asked and states the argument that you will make. Provide actual historical evidence as proof for your argument and pay attention to your grammar (I need to be able to understand what you are explaining).
Most students aim for a five paragraph essay to complete this assignment; they include an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph for each example, and a concluding paragraph. Identify which question you are answering.