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Evidence-Based Recommendations Assignment

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Evidence-Based Recommendations Assignment

This  assignment asks you to evaluate selection information and make recommendations about improvements, as well as provide candidate rankings and provide input on a hiring decision. Your job is to make sound, evidence-based recommendations about how to improve the reliability, validity, and ultimately legal defensibility of the selection process being used. Per the article on intuition, your responses are not to be intuitive or general suggestions. They should be specific, grounded, evidence-based (textbook, readings, other research) oriented suggestions.

Discussion Human Trafficking

Evidence-Based Recommendations Assignment

This assignment focuses on the applied, practical side of HRM, in contrast to the more strategic perspective of our weekly discussions. Read the attached document and provide the requested documentation. Your documentation should include a clear rubric that indicates how you made your decisions and what your criteria were. Include graphs or spreadsheets as appendices as appropriate. You should aim for clarity and transparency in outlining your decision-making process

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