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Enterprise scaled Cloud systems

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Enterprise scaled Cloud systems

The HSE Ireland health service phishing and pre-existing vulnerabilities lead to an executive cyberattack. The methodology thesis chapter′s case study is included here. The sections in this case study are as follows. Define the problem. 1. What was the cause of the cyber-attack? 2. What are the effects on business? How many people were impacted? 3. Is there a backup plan in place at HSE? Was Disaster Recovery activated? if any? 4. What was the resolve, recovery, or mitigation strategy for the problem?

Enterprise scaled Cloud systems

Discussion Human Trafficking

5. How serious was the attack? consequences for the HSE as a public organization? Disaster recovery strategy: 1. How could such an attack be prevented or mitigated as a result of phishing attack failure, a vulnerable network, or existing infrastructure vulnerabilities? 2. Does HSE have a disaster recovery (DR) site that can replicated the production site and be triggered if the production site is compromised or goes down to ensure business continuity? I don′t believe so.

Enterprise scaled Cloud systems

Proposed solution. How could the cyber-attack be prevented or lessened? Was it a result of human mistake, such as a phishing email attack? Were the system′s vulnerabilities imposed on by out of date or unpatched software? Recommendation Future research and suggestions

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