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Emerging Risk Management Frameworks

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In Chapter 9 in our textbook, we have a discussion of Emerging Risk Management Frameworks. How do frameworks provide a frame of reference to assist in risk mitigation? What is the role of GRC? What is the role of the International Standards Organization in framework standards? Minimum of 500 words.  


Follow rubric guidelines

Specialized Knowledge – Student provides a strong introduction to the paper that gives a background of the situation and includes a great thesis statement; provides a strong conclusion.

Broad Integrative Knowledge  – Pulled research from 5 or more sources and at least 3 are from peer-reviewed sources.

Program Objective – Identified and discussed 3 important points required by the assignment description.

Course Objective  – provides 3+ examples of the points discussed in the paper and cites sources to support his/her findings.

Organization – Student organizes paper with APA style headings.

Grammar – Paper contains no errors.

APA – Paper contains 0-1 APA errors.

Paper length – 500words

APA formatting Microsoft Word 2007.mp4 – YouTube  


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