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Develop an Advertising Campaign BSBADV602

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Estimated Time30 Minutes
ObjectiveTo provide you with an opportunity to clarify advertiser’s purpose and objectives from the advertising brief and use these to set objectives for the advertising campaign.
What is an advertising campaign?        
What is an advertising brief?        
Outline what is included within an advertising brief.        
In order to develop appropriate and effective objectives, what should you do?
Use an advertising brief that you have access to. If possible, demonstrate the clarification process in pairs (role play). One person is the advertiser (the client) and the other person is representing the advertising agency. Demonstrate the process for clarifying the purpose and objectives of the brief. If role play is not possible, outline a sample dialogue between the advertising agency and the client.                
Using the purpose and objectives within the advertising brief that you have access to, develop objectives for a hypothetical overall advertising campaign.  
Activity 1B
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to state campaign objectives in measurable terms and identify nature and extent of what advertising is to accomplish.
What may measurable advertising objectives be related to?
Using your objectives from Activity 1A, state them in measurable terms.
What things should you consider when identifying the nature and extent of what you wish to accomplish through your advertising campaign? Think about the questions that you need to ask yourself.
Using your hypothetical advertising campaign from Activity 1A, outline what you wish to accomplish.
Activity 1C
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to ensure campaign objectives are feasible, given constraints of time, budget, product and market factors.
How can you tell if an objective is feasible
A feasible objective is an achievable objective. What are the consequences of having an objective that is unachievable?
Assess the feasibility of your objectives from activities 1A and 1B. Outline the constraints that you have considered. Give specific examples of how your objectives are feasible.

Activity 1D
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to ensure campaign objectives take into consideration factors which may affect consumer responses.
What is a consumer response? Give examples.
Outline the five stages involved in the consumer buying decision process.
What factors may affect consumer responses?  Relate to a specific example.
Do your objectives from the previous activities take these into consideration? Explain how. If they don’t, alter them and explain this process.
Activity 1E
Estimated Time
45 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to ensure campaign objectives meet legal and ethical requirements.
Give examples of legal and ethical requirements that you will need to consider when developing your advertising campaign objectives.
Choose one of your examples from the previous question and look at it in more depth.
Research activity.
Research an advertising campaign that has acted illegally or unethically. Come together as a class and share your findings (if possible). Discuss the ways that they were illegal or unethical. Come up with ideas of how you could develop them further to be legal and ethical.
Activity 2A
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to assess and specify research resource requirements for the advertising campaign.
Give examples of the different types of research you can conduct for your advertising campaign.
Choose one of your examples and evaluate it. What is it useful for? What are its limitation

For this same example, outline the resources that you will need to complete it.
For your hypothetical advertising campaign (Activity 1A), outline the appropriate methods of research that you could use. What resources will you need?
Activity 2B
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to assess and specify resource requirements for range of media options, creative and production services.
What things will affect your choice of media?
Give examples of different media options.
Outline examples of different creative and production services.
Using the hypothetical advertising campaign from the previous activities, outline which media options you would choose. Why would you choose these? What resources would you require?

Activity 2C
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to justify resources allocated to each component of advertising campaign and ensure they are sufficient, in relative terms, to achieve campaign objectives.
Using the resources that you outlined in the previous activity, explain how you would justify why you have allocated them to your campaign.
Activity 2D
Estimated Time
30 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to ensure overall budget meets requirements of the advertising brief.
What is a budget?
Before developing a budget, what should you ask yourself?
Explain how you develop an advertising budget within your own organisation.
For your hypothetical advertising campaign, develop a budget. Show your process.
Using the budget you developed above, compare this to the advertising brief you accessed in Activity 1A. Does your overall budget meet the requirements within this brief?
Activity 3A
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to confirm campaign length and timing from the advertising brief.
What will the appropriate length time of your campaign depend on?
When determining the appropriate timing of your campaign, what questions should you consider?

For the hypothetical advertising campaign that you have used throughout the activities, outline the appropriate length and timing.

Is this in line with the advertising brief? If not, why?

How will you ensure that they are sufficient?

When advertising, outline different ways that you can save money.
Activity 3B
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to identify service providers with required expertise and negotiate their costs and availability.
Following on from the previous activities, outline the service providers that you will need to assist you in the development of your hypothetical advertising campaign.

How much do you think this will cost?
Suggest ways that you could try to reduce the cost.
Activity 3C
Estimated Time
15 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to base the choice of service providers on merit and value for money and ensure selection meets legal and ethical requirements.
Using your service providers from the previous activities, outline the process that you will use to make your choice. What questions will you ask yourself?
What legal and ethical requirements must your selection meet?
Activity 3D
Estimated Time
30 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to ensure time allowed in schedule to meet creative, media and production requirements is sufficient to achieve advertising objectives.
What is schedule?
List the three different scheduling considerations.
Develop a rough schedule for your hypothetical advertising campaign.
Which scheduling option do you intend to use and why?
Is your schedule sufficient? Explain your answer.

Activity 3E
Estimated Time
20 Minutes
To provide you with an opportunity to include milestones for monitoring progress and expenditure against budget, and for evaluating campaign effectiveness in the schedule.
What is a milestone?
Outline ways to monitor progress.
How can you monitor expenditure?
List ways that you can evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
For your own hypothetical advertising campaign, outline the appropriate ways to monitor progress, monitor expenditure and evaluate its effectiveness.
Major Activity                                                                                              
Estimated Time
1 Hour
To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.
This is a major activity – your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.
Attach your completed answers to the workbook.
You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of each element:
1.       Define campaign objectives
2.       Prepare advertising budget
3.       Develop schedule for proposed advertising activities.
Your organisation is planning to create and launch a new product (choose a product relevant to your organisation). It is your job to develop the advertising campaign for this product.
1.       Develop an advertising brief.
Develop a presentation that details your responses to this brief. What will you do?
Your presentation should:
2.       Define the objectives of your advertising campaign
3.       Outline how you will prepare the advertising budget
4.       Explain how you will develop a schedule.
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