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Decision Making Methods Research

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Making decision is the norm of life. People have to make different decisions in numerous life aspects such as lifestyle, profession, marriage, investment and career among others. However, according to Simon Sinek, every decision we make comes with some sort of sacrifice or balance. There are various common ways of making decision and the circumstances that influence such ways. These are discussed below.

Ways in Which Decision are made

Decisions are made in several common ways, which include through command, consultation, voting, convenience, or through consensus (Hammond, Keeney, & Raiffa, 2015).

Command Method

A command style is where an individual is not involved or in making the decision. In this case, outside forces demand and force individual to act without providing a room for wiggle. In this method the superior makes decision without input from his or her subordinates (Hammond, Keeney, & Raiffa, 2015). However, when this method is used and good results obtained, followership and trust increases but when unsatisfactory results are obtained there is feeling of bondage and discontentment.

Consultation Method

Making decisions through consultation method is where the decision maker consults another person, business or group for guidance or validation regarding the issue. However, the person seeks information but not advice then decides to make decision himself based on the information obtained (Hoerl & McCormack, 2016). In case the leader makes decisions without using the information gained from consulting his subordinates, they might be reluctant to contribute in future consultations.

Consultation is the best way to gain support and ideas without getting confused on what decision to make. Parents, couples and wise leaders mostly use this method. Through consultation one can gather ideas and make a choice based on evaluated options.

Consensus Method

This method involves assembling a group of people to make decisions. Everyone brings their ideas and views to the table to be analyzed by the rest until everyone agrees to one decision. Therefore, a universal decision is made based on what has been proposed after it has been discussed among the group members (Hair, 2015). Consensus method is most used in families and in organizations where by some members in the organization are selected to help in making decisions that affect the entire firm. However, the method is advantageous because it generates highly acceptance of decisions made. Moreover, it the slowest and its process is the most frustrating.

Consensus method enhances high quality decisions and unity but in other cases it can be horrible and time waster when misapplied. Therefore, it should be only used in complex issues and high-stakes issues.

Convenience Method

Convenience method involves using the easiest method available to make decisions. It can be through asking for a volunteer, through delegation or appointing a different person to make the decision. The latter is mainly used in making non-mission critical decisions.

Voting Method

In cases where efficiency is highly valued and the selection is to be made from a variety of good options, the best method to use to make a decision is by voting. It involves members using a voting method to express their decisions on their best option. It is used when it is impossible to use all to enhance democracy and when it is impossible or challenging to use the other decision making methods.

The voting method is time saver, and should only be used when team members re in agreement of the proposed decisions (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2015). When the team members do not agree to support the decisions made, therefore consensus method should be used.


In conclusion, decision methods are employed based on the nature of decisions to be made. For instance, convenience method cannot be used to make critical decisions while consensus and voting method cannot be used to make decisions that require emergency attention.


Ferrell, O. C., & Fraedrich, J. (2015). Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education.

Hair, J. F. (2015). Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe.

Hammond, J. S., Keeney, R. L., & Raiffa, H. (2015). Smart choices: A practical guide to making better decisions. chicago: Harvard Business Review Press.

Hoerl, C., & McCormack, T. (2016). Making decisions about the future. Seeing the future:. Theoretical perspectives on future-oriented mental time travel, 56-89.

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