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Cultural Competence And Workforce Of Future

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Cultural Competence And Workforce Of Future


As a current or future health care administration leader, you might engage in certain cultural competence initiatives for your health care organization. In what ways would fostering increased efforts for cultural competence in a health care organization impact health care delivery? In what ways might cultural competence efforts enhance the patient experience in your health care organization?

For this Discussion, review the resources for this week and reflect on the efforts aimed at increasing cultural competence in health care. Consider how you, as a current or future health care administration leader, might promote efforts to ensure your health care organization provides culturally-competent care.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post an explanation of your role in ensuring that your health care organization or one with which you are familiar provides culturally-competent care. Be specific and provide examples.


Continue the Discussion and respond to your colleagues’ initial posts analyzing his or her explanation of his or her role in an organization’s provision of culturally-competent care. What suggestions would you offer your colleague to enhance the organization’s provision of culturally-competent care?

Response to Colleague 250 words


As a health administrator, developing a culturally competent organization. Implementing cultural competence training for healthcare professionals should focus on skills and knowledge that value diversity, understand and respond to cultural differences, and increase awareness of cultural norms. Cultural competency in healthcare describes the ability of healthcare systems to provide care to patients with diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors. According to The Cultural Competence Training for Healthcare Professionals, a culturally competent healthcare system acknowledges the importance of culture, incorporates assessing cross-cultural relations, recognizes the potential impact of cultural differences, expands cultural knowledge, and adapts services to meet culturally unique needs.

As a health administrator to improve cultural competency within my healthcare organizations, I would ensure the following occurs according to the American Hospital Association: a collection of race, ethnicity, and language preference data; identification and reporting of disparities; development of culturally competent disease management programs; increase in diversity and minority workforce pipelines; involvement of the community and overall making cultural competency an institutional priority.

American Hospital Association. (n.d.). Becoming a culturally competent health care organization: Aha. American Hospital Association.

Cultural competence training for health care professionals. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d.).


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