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Critical Incident Research Report ADMN2250 Assignment

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Critical Incident Research Report ADMN2250 Assignment

Value: 15% of overall grade

Due: Week 5 (end of LAB date at 11:59 pm)

General Requirements:

  • This is an individual assignment. You must work independently on this report.
  • APA Standards must be followed.
  • Use class time (Lab) to work on this project.
  • Use time management skills and work productively.
  • Prepare a 5-10-page report (not including the title page, references, and appendices).
      1. New company intranet
      2. Introduction of new automation in the workplace
      3. Coordinating an office renovation
      4. Low employee morale
      5. Employee work refusal
      6. Impact on Supervisors of a Labour Strike
      7. Employer Health and Safety Violations
      8. Harassment in the Workplace
      9. Workplace Privacy concerns
      10. Cell phone usage banned in the workplace
      11. Budget cuts
      12. Leading employees through Return to Work after a Pandemic
      13. New Work from Home Policy
      14. Anxiety and Depression in the workplace
      15. Merger or Acquisition
      16. Sharp increase in sales volume
      17. Supporting ESL (English as a second language) employees
      18. Downsizing (layoffs)
      19. Organization moving operations to another country
      20. Introducing a new computer system (used by employees in your department)Research to find an article or articles on the topic you have selected. The article(s) should be based on a real-world event or based on best practice or academic research. The preference is for students to find a real-world event. Include all articles in full form (not links) in the appendix section of your report. For the most part, the reports are meant to be more informational than analytical meaning you report on what you found out in your research and organize it into a clear message.Scenario

        You are a supervisor at your organization. A Critical Incident has occurred, and you are required to learn more about it. The incident will impact both you and your team of employees. As the supervisor, you will be expected to lead your team through the situation. Get ready, put your supervisor hat on, and get started!

        Critical Incident Research Report ADMN2250 Assignment


        1. Choose a Critical Incident Research Topic from the list below. Complete the MS Form located in eConestoga and submit for topic approval. If you would like to choose a topic not on this list, complete the MS Form and submit for my review and approval. Do not begin your research until you receive approval for your topic area.


    Topic: Harassment in the Workplace

    New Article:







    Source: Academy of Management Perspectives. Aug2013, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p187-203. 17p. 2 Charts.

    Link to Conestoga Library Resources:

    1. The report is to include the following:
    2. Introduction Section
      • Provide a complete overview of the entire report. The introduction section should clearly state the subject matter of the report, and it should explain the methods used to gather data. In explaining the methods, indicate what kinds of primary and secondary research was used in the paper. The introduction is to include a brief statement of the paper’s findings and conclusions.
        1. Report Content Sections
          • Describe the situation or topic in detail. Use 5W+H (Who, What, Why, When, Where, How)
          • What must the supervisor to do to handle the situation or event?
          • Describe the short and longer-term impact(s) of the situation/topic on the role of the supervisor and his/her employees. Explain how these impacts may change the role of the supervisor. Do you view the changes to the role of the supervisor as easy, mid-range or difficult?
          • What help might the supervisor need to support the required changes and from whom?
            • Provide recommendations on what supervisory practices, policies, procedures, structure, etc. may need to change.
            1. Summary Section
              • Summarize the report.
              • Identify the conclusions you have drawn from your research.
            2. References and Appendix
              • Follow APA @ Conestoga for citing and referencing.
              • Include Appendix for full form copy of all articles used in research. APA FORMAT
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