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Covid-19 Effects On Health Information Technology

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For your Competency Discussion, consider how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the use of health information technology in relation to the patient experience at your healthcare facility including ease of use to which patients can be admitted or arrange care, communicate with physicians or other healthcare providers and take charge of their own care. Then reflect on the possible adoption of healthcare technology at your facility and its ability to enable patient access and address patient healthcare issues as a result of the pandemic. Finally, think about how health information technology can be used to improve the patient experience at your facility.

To begin this Competency and meet your required engagement, post in the Discussion area a brief description of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the use of health information technology in relation to the patient experience at your healthcare facility including ease of use to which patients can be admitted or arrange care, communicate with physicians or other healthcare providers and take charge of their own care. Then, describe the possible adoption of healthcare technology at your facility and its ability to enable patient access and address patient healthcare issues as a result of the pandemic. Finally, explain how health information technology can be used to improve the patient experience at your facility.

Assessment Submission

Note: Although this formative pre-assessment is not graded, a submission is required before you can advance to your summative assessment.

The Module Pre-Assessment is your opportunity to practice applying module content before submitting the final Competency Assessment. In the Final Assessment, you will create a proposal recommending a specific healthcare technology to resolve a problem in a healthcare facility with which you are familiar.

To prepare for your Final Assessment, consider problem at your facility that may be resolved with technology. Then consider what technology might be used to address the problem.

For this Module Pre-Assessment, prepare a draft of your Final Assessment by describing the problem you identified and the healthcare technology you selected. Be sure to review the Final Assessment Instructions for further guidance.

Note that you do not have to resubmit your Pre-Assessment to address feedback.

Assessment Submission

Note: Although this formative pre-assessment is not graded, a submission is required before you can advance to your summative assessment.

The Module Pre-Assessment is your opportunity to practice applying module content before submitting the final Competency Assessment. In the Final Assessment, you will be asked to In the Final Assessment, you will be asked to create an email reply to a colleague recommending a healthcare technology.

To prepare for your Final Assessment, consider the role of technology in the delivery of care. Then think about how the technology you selected could have a positive impact on the delivery of care at your facility. Finally, how does the healthcare technology you selected adhere to ACA guidelines.

For this Module Pre-Assessment, create a draft of your Final Assessment that describes the problem to be solved, the healthcare technology you selected to solve the problem, its role in the delivery of care, its positive impact on the delivery of care, and how it adheres to ACA guidelines. Be sure to review the Final Assessment Instructions for more guidance. Note that you do not have to resubmit your Pre-Assessment to address feedback

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