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Corporate Finance In Lending Institution

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Assume you work for a lending institution and one of your regular customers has approached you to borrow $200,000 to purchase a fleet of trucks for her company.

Explain what it means to amortize a loan.

What tools would you use to amortize a loan?

Why is amortization beneficial to the lender? Why is it beneficial to the borrower?

The final product will be a paper that is 1-2 double-spaced, APA formatted pages, a reference list should also be included on a new page after the body of your paper. 

Explain what it means to amortize a loan.

Describe the tools you would use to amortize a loan. 

Discuss why amortization is beneficial to the lender. 

Discuss why amortization is beneficial to the borrower. 

Please see the rubric on the next page for specific information about grading details.

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