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Consultation Workshop Proposal presentation

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Develop a PowerPoint workshop for consultees with the topic, “Community Strategies for Working with and/or Advocating for Diverse Populations.” Another way to think about the assignment is by stating it as “Effective Prevention Strategies for Working with Diverse Communities” for your high school or school district. 

The “Effective Prevention Strategies for Working with Diverse Communities” workshop proposal must include:

 Consultation Workshop & Presentation Rubric

  • A rationale for workshop, including a description of the problem or issues that the workshop will address. Identify the consultee and the identified client (s). 5 points
  • A description of the model of consultation you will use as a guiding framework (i.e., Mental Health, Behavioral, Systems-Level, etc.). 5 points
  • An explanation of how you will gain access to the consultee and establish a consulting relationship (joining). 5 points
  • Your assessment plan for clarifying the problem/issue(s) addressed in the workshop; include your data that indicates the presence and nature of the problem being addressed. 5 points
  • YOUR operational definition of the problem/issue(s). 4 points
  • Stated observable and measurable goals. 4 points
  • Intervention strategies that you will propose and descriptions for how you recommend that they will be implemented. Be sure to cite sources for your interventions. 5 points
  • Describe how you will evaluate the success of your workshop. Include copies of the assessments that will be used. 4 points
  • Describe how you will follow up to see if your recommendations are implemented and the resulting outcomes. Identify any pertinent ethical issues that could affect your recommendations. 5 points
  • Include your reference list in APA style with in-text citations using the course book below as one of at least 3 resources (7th ed).  3 points
  • Include one-page contract for your consultation (workshop and follow-up, if planned). 5 points

Your rubric is attached! A video of what is expected is also attached.  Please watch for clarification.  The professor will go through your presentation and check off each of these areas assigning or deducing points. If there is an area that is unclear, please let me know so that I can help clarify so that you can gain all the points for each bullet. Whatever I can do to help please let me know.


Brown, D., Pryzwansky, W., Schulte, A. (2011). Psychological Consultation and Collaboration. (7th ed.) Pearson. ISBN: 9780137062645

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