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Child Care Business Plan Template

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Instructions: using the information below develop a childcare center business plan

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Provide a brief overview (highlight and summarize primary elements) of the business plan’s contents.

BUSINESS INTRODUCTION ◊ Provide a history and description of the business • How and why did you enter the child care field? ◊ Mission statement • Who are you and what do you do? • What services do you offer? • Who do you serve? ◊ Research market feasibility • Is there a need for child care in the area where you business will be located? • How much of a need is there and how much of it will you serve? ◊ Competition • Who are your competition? • What services do they offer; what are their strengths and weaknesses? • Are they a threat to your business? ◊ Industry trends • What does the child care industry itself look like at this time: is it stable or declining? ◊ Potential market • Given what’s know about the above issues, what is the potential demand/need for your facility?

BUSINESS ORGANIZATION ◊ Legal • Will the center be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation? • Will it be profit making or a non-profit organization? • Will it have a board of directors? • Will it be employer sponsored or supported, or funded by state or local agencies? • Who will determine the policies and budget? ◊ Insurance • What types of insurance will you carry (liability, fire, theft, health, accident) and through whom? ◊ Tax and bookkeeping system • What records do you need to maintain? • What system will you use? ◊ Regulation, licensing, and/or government issues • What licensing regulations are there for your industry? • What are the zoning regulations for your location? • What local building code requirements must you adhere to?

MANAGEMENT/OPERATIONS ◊ Personnel/management team • Who are they? • What are their qualifications? • What education have they had? • Are they competent, capable, and experienced? ◊ Benefits • What benefits are being offered to employees, if any? ◊ Employee requirements and job descriptions • What are your hiring practices? • What is your wage scale? • What are your staffing patterns? • What will specific employees be expected to do? ◊ Business operations • How will you actually run your business? • What are your major business policies? • What is your schedule of daily program activities and how will they provide you with a competitive edge? ◊ Suppliers • What equipment and materials do you need? • Where will they be obtained? • Provide breakdown of costs by supplier. ◊ External partners • Will a lawyer, accountant, or early childhood specialist’s served be used? ◊ Technology needs • Do you need or will you need any technology to help you, such as computers, telephone add-ons, etc.?

MARKETING ◊ Describe your services • What do you offer and to whom? • Do you offer any special services that may not be offered elsewhere? ◊ Describe the target market for you facility • Who will be served? ◊ Identify your location • Where is your facility located? • Has is met local and state inspections and zoning requirements? • Does it accommodate special needs? • What features about your site are desirable for child care and families? ◊ Pricing strategies • How will fees be determined? • Will there be late fees, paid holidays and vacations, sick days, etc.? • Will you charge for special services, i.e., transportation? ◊ Promotional strategies • How will you reach your customers? • What advertising methods will you use?

FINANCIAL ◊ Start-up costs • If applicable, what will you need to purchase to begin? • What operating funds will be needed? • Where will this money be obtained? • How much, totally, is needed to successfully cover all start-up costs? ◊ Cash-flow projection • Where will your income come from and where will it go? • Anticipate your income and expenses for a two-year period, month by month and by year. ◊ Income statement ◊ Balance sheet: assets, liabilities, net worth ◊ Break even analysis • Revenue versus expenses: how much money do you need to break even? • Can you make a profit? ◊ Financing plan • Will you need to borrow money? How much? • How will you use it and how will it be repaid? ◊ Identify sources of funds • Determine how the program will be funded. • Will you seek a bank loan? • How much money can you provide?

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