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Challenges and Achievements thought

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In “How I Found the Time for Reflective Learning,” Dr. Richard Eve explains why he believes reflection is important to his practice as a surgeon and how he fits reflection into his busy life. Reflection is a beneficial skill for a variety of learners, tasks, and goals. As we near the end of the course, it is useful to look back and consider what was learned and how it was learned, as well as what challenges arose. This reflection will help you make the most of your learning in WRTG 112 and can inform how you approach future courses and writing endeavors.

You may wish to refer to the reading “How I Found the Time for Reflective Learning” in your responses to this discussion.

Initial post 

Respond to the following in 2-3 paragraphs:

(1) What challenges did you face in our course, and how did you handle them? Would you respond differently to those challenges in future courses?

(2) Has your attitude towards writing changed during this course? Why or why not?

(3) Consider the aspirations you identified in Week 1. As the course nears an end, do you believe your learning in Introduction to Writing has been effective in helping you move toward your goals? Why or why not? You might mention aspects of your way of working in the course and/or elements of the course itself.

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